Tag Archive 'al-Qaeda'

Aug 30 2008

Another Missile Strike On Possible al-Qaeda Safe House In Pakistan – Updated!

 Update: Four people are confirmed killed, 2 of the Arabs. In other strikes 2 Taliban commanders and 40 fighters were killed by Pakistani air strikes. – end update   We seemed to have identified and taken out another al-Qaeda safe house in the tribal areas of Pakistan: At least five people were killed when a […]

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Aug 25 2008

Taliban Beg For Ceasefire, Pakistan Refuses And Bans Taliban

The Taliban have been taking a beating in the tribal areas of Pakistan. The prime offensives have been in the Swat Valley region of the North West Frontier Province (NWFP) and the Bajaur Agency of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). Here is some news from the Swat region describing the pounding the militant Taliban […]

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Aug 21 2008

Update on Latest Missile Strike, New Suicide Bomb Attack In Pakistan

In a post yesterday I noted another apparent US missile strike inside the Tribal Areas of Pakistan along the Afghanistan border. Some reports this morning claim the two US missiles took out a significant number of Arab fighters (al-Qaeda) in the FATA Agency of South Waziristan: Twelve people, most of them alleged foreign fighters, were […]

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Aug 20 2008

Another Possible US Missile Strike In South Waziristan Agency Of Pakistan Tribal Areas

  The US apparently has struck another al-Qaeda compound inside the Pakistan FATA agency of South Waziristan: Missiles fired from Afghanistan hit a militant hideout in Pakistan’s tribal belt Wednesday, killing at least eight people including some foreign extremists, security officials said. The strike in the South Waziristan region was the first since key US […]

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Aug 20 2008

Why al-Qaeda Has Lost The Muslim Street

America has been The Great Satan to many Arab Muslims over the decades. It is that hate of America and the West that al-Qaeda tapped into to become a beacon of hope that Islam would attain victory over America. But when the war came to the Arab homeland in Iraq, things changed. al-Qaeda became exposed […]

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Aug 20 2008

First A Pakistan “Awakening”, Now An Afghanistan “Surge”

A successful counter-insurgency strategy, like the one used to gain victory in Iraq, will play out with its own unique pattern and forces in the war against the last large enclave of Islamo Fascist militants in the border region between Afghanistan and Pakistan. If it happens it will not be identical to what happened in […]

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Aug 19 2008

As I Suspected, Musharraf’s Resignation Was Part Of Pak Deal Continue To Hunt Terrorists

Yep, Musharraf stepped down in return for a pledge from Pakistan to hunt al-Qaeda and the Taliban: Diplomatic sources in Washington described President Bush as Mr Musharraf’s “last holdout” in the US capital. Others in the Bush administration — including Vice-President Dick Cheney and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice — had long given up on […]

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Aug 19 2008

Muslims As Human Shields, Other Updates On The War On Terror 08_19_08

It is becoming very clear how al-Qaeda and the Taliban will lose the war on terror – through their desperation to win or survive their acts will cause such a backlash in the Muslim Street they will become to Islam what the Nazis are to Germans. The most recent example of their atrocious desperation has […]

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Aug 18 2008

Pakistan’s Awakening Is Growing As Local Tribes Ally With Government And Hunt Down Militants – Updated!

It does seem that the Pakistan Tribal Awakening is taking root and spreading in the tribal regions of Pakistan known as the FATA and the NWFP. I noted in one post yesterday how tribes in one area of the NWFP province had set up security details and hunted down Taliban militants in their region.   […]

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Aug 17 2008

Updates From FATA 08_17_08

Some brief updates in the war raging in Pakistan’s Tribal Regions. It seems the main city of Kahr in the Bajaur Agency has been mostly cleansed of the terrorists since the government is asking people to return and take up residence in their homes so they cannot be used by terrorists: As security forces continued […]

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