Tag Archive 'Global Warming'

Nov 24 2009

How To Hide Global Cooling: Delete The “1940’s Blip”

As I and others dive into the CRU data dump we learn more and more about how the Global Warming conspiracy was pulled off. We now know all you need to do to pull this off is statistically cover up true data that tells the wrong story with ‘bad’ data that tells the story you […]

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Nov 23 2009

Alarmists Hide Truth About (Lack Of) Global Warming

Notice: Sorry folks, going back and cleaning up errors, trying to use English as my language, etc. You might find changes from the first read. Update: Could the CRU data plots I discuss below be the raw data that shows cooling since 1960 that was noted as a ‘trick’ in emails and CRU source code? […]

23 responses so far

Nov 22 2009

The Great Global Warming Con – Part II

Lots of smart and gifted people are poring over the emails and data that was hacked out of the the UK’s  high church of global warming = the University of East Anglia’s Hadley Climatic Research Centre. I myself am reviewing two documents which support my long standing claims that the accuracy of the raw data […]

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Nov 20 2009

Global Warming Con Exposed With Publication Of Emails And Files

Those of us who have been skeptical of the global warming claims based on shoddy science and massaged data have been proven right in spectacular fashion. I won’t replicate all the good investigative work done by others, but the publication of climate alarmist emails and efforts to collude to hide contrary data and massage results […]

12 responses so far

Nov 16 2009

It’s Settled: Man Made Global Warming Is Not Settled Science

Good news from the liberal climate fringe – the fantasy science is retreating for a time: President Barack Obama and other world leaders agreed today that next month’s much-anticipated climate change summit will be merely a way station, not the once hoped-for end point, in the search for a worldwide global warming treaty. The 192-nation […]

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Nov 11 2009

No Man-Made Global Warming, Because There Has Been No Increase In Airborne CO2

There has been a ground breaking discovery in the global warming debate – there has been no net increase in CO2 since 1850: New data show that the balance between the airborne and the absorbed fraction of carbon dioxide has stayed approximately constant since 1850, despite emissions of carbon dioxide having risen from about 2 billion […]

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Nov 07 2009

Protect Moderates From Mad Madam Pelosi

For all those who thought they were going to get more choice in health care as a result of the liberal nightmare now being proposed in Congress you can forget about it. Here is how it is going to really play out. The Democrats have created an environment were premiums will go way up, pushing […]

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Oct 28 2009

Armageddon Delayed Half A Century

After 30 years of failed predictions of pending doom from Global Warming, the alarmists have once more adjusted their unproven hypotheses as to when we will be experiencing natural disasters (which strangely have occurred many times in Earth’s history without human produced CO2). This time, to ensure there is no chance nature can prove them […]

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Oct 27 2009

Humans Are Meatware

Being a systems engineer I think in terms of Hardware and Software, and the often forgotten Meatware – the human operator. Its a bit of a sick engineer joke (not meant to disparage), but I never claimed to be a guiding beacon of morality. Anyway, I bring this history up as a way to introduce […]

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Oct 18 2009

Not Evil, Just Wrong

Tonight is a big night in many ways. It will be the world premiere of a very important movie that will outline the problems with the Global Warming alarmists and their false claims. The movie is called Not Evil, Just Wrong. But as important, the premiere will be across the internet and in local premieres. […]

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