Tag Archive 'Global Warming'

Sep 01 2009

Start Over On Bipartisan Health Care

Democrats are about to do in 7 months what it took the GOP to do in 7 years, and that is piss off and offend the independent center of this nation’s electorate to the point the centrists vote them out of power with gusto. It is a multi-pronged problem, but it’s central force is an […]

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Aug 18 2009

Idiots Trying To Play Scientist

Why we allow journalism majors to communicate science to the general public is beyond me. They don’t even know when some fool with a PhD or two is making completely dumb claims – which tends to be the case with the global warming mythology. In this case I think the scientists might have been trying […]

6 responses so far

Aug 16 2009

Liberals About To Face A Major Loss On Health Care, And Maybe More

Liberals came to DC thinking America would allow them to indulge in their most extreme left wing fantasies. They horribly misread the public’s mandate when they threw the GOP out of power and gave President Obama and a Democrat led Congress a chance to prove they could solve problems. As usual, a party dominated by […]

20 responses so far

Jul 15 2009

Source Of Man Made Warming Discovered!

Published by under Global Warming

Folks, after years of scientific measurement and debate we have determined global warming is indeed man made, and we have isolated the source for 100% of the man made global warming. The reason it took years to resolve is we had to have a few decades of actual measurements to confirm global warming is a […]

7 responses so far

Jul 05 2009

A Century Of Global Warming Disappears in 2009

Published by under Global Warming

Everyone knows this year has been pleasantly cool, if not down right cold on some days. As Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emission levels continue to rise, the Earth’s global temperature has been dropping since its high 10 years ago, when we experienced a strong El Nino (which has nothing to do with atmospheric CO2 since that […]

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Jun 18 2009

Government Climate Report Seriously Flawed

Published by under Global Warming

You know, you can tell when something is really, really poorly done when you can take a few, key paragraphs of the Executive Summary and demonstrate complete inaccuracy with little effort. Such is the case with the latest government report on so called global warming or climate change (pick your spin).   Ironically, the report […]

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Jun 07 2009

Global Warming?

Published by under Global Warming

Hey Chicken Littles, how’s that Global Warming doing for you? Snow has fallen in Dickinson in June, the first time in nearly 60 years the city has seen snow past May. National Weather Service meteorologist Janine Vining in Bismarck says there were unofficial reports of a couple of inches of snow in Dickinson on Saturday. Vining says snow […]

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Jun 03 2009

Man Made Global Warming Is A Man Made Hoax

Published by under Global Warming

When someone claims “the end of the Earth is near” and demands tens of trillions of dollars to correct it, people should be a lot more skeptical than they have been. First, there better be proof of the end of the world coming. And whatever proof there is better be able to stand up to […]

11 responses so far

May 29 2009

Global Warming BS Sprouting Up Everywhere

Fact: the global rise in temperature over the last 100 years has been less than a degree – if that. The truth is we cannot yet measure a global temperature to a degree yet, and we surely  couldn’t 100 years ago. Fact: temperatures have been dropping for the last decade eliminating much of the warming […]

7 responses so far

May 17 2009

A Global Warming Skeptic’s Factbook

Published by under Global Warming

I am reading some interesting reports on the gathering storm of scientific facts that are destroying the liberal mythology about global warming induced by human CO2 production. Instead of posting on each I decided to just provide a series of links for people to review and have at hand to debunk the mythology. First we […]

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