Tag Archive 'Global Warming'

Apr 19 2009

Reality Slams Global Warming Alarmists

Published by under Global Warming

  I wish the conservative fanatics had not gone mad belittling the science of genetics and evolution for a lot of reasons. First off, ignorance is just not a plan, let a lone a national policy. 2nd, if you want to make the case for sanctity of life in the matters of Embryonic Stem Cell […]

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Apr 13 2009

Scientific Analysis Shows Global Warming A Statistical Mirage

It is about to get scientifically really uncomfortable for Al Gore and the Church of IPCC. It seems that some serious analysis has discerned that, without the biased GISS data that has been proven wrong time and time again, there actually is no global warming. I was wondering this myself as I was looking at […]

6 responses so far

Apr 10 2009

NASA Admits Artic Global Warming Not CO2 Driven

When the Chicken Little Priests of the Church of Al Gore/IPCC scream the sky is falling without CO2 Cap & Trade energy taxes, it is helpful to note that NASA’s data doesn’t support their claims. Especially now. First off, realize CO2 is only a tiny fraction of the so called IR Radiative Green House Gas […]

9 responses so far

Apr 07 2009

The End Of The Global Warming Myth

The high Priests of the Church of Al Gore/IPCC have been predicting pending global doom for coming on 20 years now. There so called scientific models predicted if nothing was done about CO2 levels over that period the Earth would warm up by 0.6° C since 1988-90 (within the range of 0.4°-1.0° C). It never happened. […]

16 responses so far

Apr 06 2009

When Politicians Play Scientist

Al Gore, the doomsayer of Global Warming, has nothing on the Mayor of L’Aquila who decided he knew more than a certain scientist. A scientist who predicted a deadly earthquake was imminent. A scientist who was outside the ‘consensus’ bubble of other scientists feeding from the government’s trough. The Mayor knew more, and at least 100 […]

4 responses so far

Apr 03 2009

Senator Thune (R) Kills CO2 Cap & Trade

All right! Another win for the GOP in a little noticed senate amendment battle – and it wasn’t even close: An Amendment was introduced by Senator John Thune (R-SD) on the Budget Resolution and its text is as follows: To amend the deficit-neutral reserve fund for climate change legislation to require that such legislation does not increase […]

11 responses so far

Apr 02 2009

News Alert: Global Warming Caused By Mexican Lemons

This is a wonderful example to show mathematical and statistical illiterates that is not a good idea to take graphs at face value without understand the data and math behind them: I’ve seen a lot shakier plots used to justify some sweeping conclusions, and if those were justified, well, then I’m forced to conclude that Mexican lemons […]

2 responses so far

Apr 02 2009

Historically Quiet Sun

“Not in our lifetimes“, that is something to ponder. Not in the lifetime of anyone alive today who was born in the year World War I started (1914) onward. Not in 96 years. Think about that. Think about the fact the automobile was in its infancy, so World War I included legions of cavalry (horse […]

5 responses so far

Apr 02 2009

“Man Caused Disaster” Strikes Children In Israel

Published by under All General Discussions

It seems we must equate “terrorism” (now aka “man caused disaster” – like there are no women terrorists or terrorism supporters) with the myth that CO2 is causing a warming of our global climate (which has actually been cooling for a decade). That is the only reason I see for the similarity between “man-made global […]

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Mar 24 2009

There Is No Atmospheric Green House Effect

Updated Reader Crosspatch referred us to this excellent scientific paper (which has been out in one form or another for almost two years now) which debunks the entire man-made global warming myth at its source – the fact that no one has (or can) prove there is a “Greenhouse Effect”. It is a fascinating read and […]

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