Tag Archive 'Global Warming'

Mar 23 2009

Data Shows No Man-Made Global Warming

The nation and world have been debating whether mankind is the driving force behind the global climate change we have been ‘experiencing’. There is a weak and unsubstantiated theory backed by the far left that mankind is driving the climate warmer through CO2 production. That teetering theory is the excuse many liberals use to cry […]

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Mar 19 2009

View The Promise Of Obama’s Green America!

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Seems fate is giving us a lot of warning signs about what practices from Europe and Canada we should not be following. The liberal DC siren song about a Green America fighting CO2 levels would take a bad economy and basically cripple it for good, if Canada is any model: If you want to know […]

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Mar 15 2009

Cap & Trade = Paying Tribute To The Climate Gods & Their High Priests

It is amazing how those who do  not learn form history end up repeating it – in all it glorious stupidity. We are at the cusp of a decision for mankind: do we kneel in homage to man-made gods who supposedly wish to punish mankind, or do we remain modern humans who work to unlock […]

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Mar 02 2009

Near Blizzard Conditions Cancel Global Warming Tirade By Debunked NASA ‘Scientist’

Jim Hansen, whose data has been found in error, whose models have never predicted any actual global temperatures for nearly 20 years, who denies the Earth is cooling (the real data), was to be out today in DC to call for civil disobedience if DC did not fatten his check book and make this man […]

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Mar 02 2009

Far Right Makes Obama Look Sane

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I am glad I did not waste my time at CPAC. Last thing I needed was to watch a lot of people in denial make the same mistake that put them in the minority in the first place. While conservatism has a solid core of family values, responsibility, peace through strength, and limited (but efficient) […]

29 responses so far

Feb 27 2009

Another Volcano, This Time In The Antarctic, May Be Cause Of Ice Melt

  Update: An updated link from Reader Neo, which includes a cool graphic. Here’s an important item: Heat from a volcano could still be melting ice and contributing to the thinning and speeding up of the Pine Island Glacier, which passes nearby, but Dr. Vaughan doubted that it could be affecting other glaciers in West […]

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Feb 26 2009

My Bad

Update:  Some commenters are claiming these are graphs of two different data sets, though I swore I grabbed the same graph from the December and January reports at NCDC. I recall that the historical years have been stable in each report (since I look at them every month), with only the current year moving as we […]

12 responses so far

Feb 26 2009

CO2 As A Pollutant Myth BUSTED!

Some facts for people to digest on the Global Warming front. As we are well aware, the Green Nutters in the Obama administration want to designate CO2 a pollutant so they can control it and tax the world into oblivion based on unproven theories about global warming (especially given the last decades cooling trend, which […]

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Feb 23 2009

Secretary Clueless – Updated!

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As if we needed any more evidence that the Obama administration is woefully in over their heads and winging it (badly), we get some stunning comments out of Energy Secretary Chu, who seems to be admitting he has no clue what he is supposed to be doing: Mr. Chu said Thursday he feels “like I’ve […]

18 responses so far

Feb 16 2009

Global Warming Liars

The Washington Post has printed complete lies about Global Warming as facts, even though the lies are so obvious anyone with a HS Earth Science class education could find them. Here are the lies: The pace of global warming is likely to be much faster than recent predictions, because industrial greenhouse gas emissions have increased […]

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