Tag Archive 'Global Warming'

Jan 28 2009

The Science Fiction Of Global Warming

It is becoming quite apparent that some zealots in the federal government have been rigging their data to create the false impression there is an ecological emergency – where there is none: When first implemented in 1990 as USHCN version1, it employed 1221 stations across the United States. In 1999, NASA’s James Hansen published this […]

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Jan 23 2009

Public Gives Cold Shoulder To Global Warming, Focused On Economy And Terrorism

President Obama and the Democrat Congress have a lot of challenges ahead of them – none of which they seem interested on taking on in a serious manner. Pew has just come out with a new poll which puts the beloved economically crippling concept of Global Warming dead last on the list of national priorities: […]

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Jan 15 2009

Anyone Ready For Some Global Warming?

Update: Drudge is highlighting the century level records falling. I found this one the most chilling: Flint broke a 95-year-old record early Wednesday morning when the temperature plummeted to a frigid 19 below zero. The previous record? Minus 10, set in 1914, according to the National Weather Service. More here (and just about everywhere around the […]

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Jan 11 2009

January 2009: Global Warming Memorial Month

The Global Warming alarmists from the Church of Al Gore/UN IPCC are facing a fierce battle this year. Their enemy: Nature. The man-made GW alarmists will be huddled throughout Europe and the US trying to claim the end of the Earth is near, to be caused by out of control warming. The backdrop to this fiery scenario […]

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Jan 01 2009

Historic Global Cooling Possible

Fate has a habit of slapping down human arrogance in a such a manner as to establish historic examples of how mankind should not take itself too seriously. This decade’s lesson on hubris will be tied to the man-made Global Warming fanatics led by Al Gore and the UN’s IPCC. For nearly 3 decades these […]

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Dec 28 2008

Ten Years Of Proof That CO2 Is Not Driving Global Warming

Two things have been happening over the last decade that cannot be ignored by real scientists: The CO2 levels have been rising and the global temperatures have been falling. This puts the lie to the Global Warming Chicken Little Priests in the Church of Al Gore/IPCC (who use mysticism to trump science). And now even […]

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Dec 19 2008

Global Warming Ending Before Obama Can Even Get Warmed Up?

This week has seen some amazing Global Warming – all in the form of record cold and snow in areas that haven’t seen this kind of weather in 30-50 years. It seems mother nature is not cooperating with the Church of Al Gore/IPCC and keeping warm, let alone warming up. I found this really interesting […]

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Dec 11 2008

UN IPCC Surrenders On Man-Made Global Warming!

  Poor Al Gore, the UN IPCC has just announced there is no imminent danger from man-made Global Warming: There is no clear evidence that global warming is an imminent danger to the world, says Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Therefore, there is no reason to try and […]

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Dec 11 2008

Scientists Opposing The UN/IPCC On Global Warming 12 Times The Number Of IPCC Scientists

There is definitely a reformation going on in the scientific world regarding man-made, CO2 driven global warming theories. It seems the only measurable rising levels of anything having to do with the global climate is the number of dissenting scientists who reject the ‘science’ of the UN/IPCC. The ever increasing amounts of data and studies […]

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Dec 07 2008

Reformation In The Church Of Al Gore/IPCC?

While it may take a while, the rising amount of undeniable data showing that the theories behind man-made, CO2-driven, global warming are wrong might even penetrate the zealots at the Church of Al Gore/IPCC. In fact, many real scientists who have stood by the Church of Global Warming have been coming out with studies which […]

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