Tag Archive 'Global Warming'

Nov 29 2008

World Cools On Man-Made Global Warming

It seems the world is not ready to destroy the world-wide economy on a fancy of error ridden ‘science’. As more and more evidence comes in refuting the Chicken Little calls from the pews of the Church of Al Gore/IPCC, it seems the idea of blowing trillions of dollars and destroying the minimal, quality of […]

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Nov 20 2008

The Pet Rock Presidency?

What kind of President will Obama be? We only have vague and conflicting impressions because his statements to date appear to be incoherent (at best) on a range of subjects. For example, he wants to eradicate al-Qaeda but run from Iraq. If we left Iraq and focused on the tribal regions of Pakistan, where does […]

42 responses so far

Nov 16 2008

Global Warming Lies Will Bring World Economic Recession

  There are legitimate times when nations need to suck their resources and production capacity dry in an effort to save humanity. The last time was World War II. Since then there have been times when nations need to buckle down and make investments in national security or emergency response to natural disasters. But these […]

15 responses so far

Sep 22 2008

Is Global Warming All A Stastical Ghost Used To Create A Political Hoax?

Given the fact the last decade of globally cooling temperatures has totally erased what was a Global Warming spike, some statisticians have been back looking at the graph that started the hysteria back a the end of the 20th century. What has been found is disturbing. I cannot link to the post directly at Ice […]

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Sep 18 2008

Where Did All The Global Warming Go?

It seems if one looks at recent satellite data on the global atmospheric temperature something very interesting has occurred – the Global Warming of the last 15+ years has DISAPPEARED! H/T Icecap (full image here). It’s all gone, simply gone. CO2 emissions have been increasing the entire time. Humankind has not done anything of any […]

8 responses so far

Sep 01 2008

Obama Fails Science Policy 101

Remember, Obama is a Harvard educated smooth talker, it pretty much guarantees the man is ignorant of science and its implications, but is really good at wrapping that ignorance up into impressive sounding sound bites – which are misleading at best. Now we have a way to prove this is the case since Obama has […]

3 responses so far

Aug 21 2008

Largest Northern Ice Extent In 3 Years

Early this year some hysterical members of the Church of Al Gore/IPCC predicted we could see a North Pole without ice cover (sorry, can’t find the old post on this one). Well, we just passed the peak ice melt point for the year and this year the Norther Hemisphere Ice Extent is the largest of […]

15 responses so far

Aug 14 2008

Record Low Summer Temps In Chicago – For A Decade!

Where is the runaway global warming caused by human activity and driven by our ever widening Carbon Footprints? Ever since 1998 we have seen global cooling.  In 1998 we hit a relative high global temperature – but not as high as humanity has seen before (see graph below) – and that is when the Chicken […]

7 responses so far

Aug 07 2008

Putting “Global Warming” On Ice

TigerHawk posted today on a matter I wanted to address – the reversal of Global Warming. The big speculation from the Chicken Littles at the Church of Al Gore/IPCC have been crying that the North Pole would lose its ice cover this year. In fact, just the opposite is happening as TigerHawk notes: Notwithstanding confident […]

4 responses so far

Jul 22 2008

NASA Discovers 70% Of Global Climate Due To Pacific Ocean Oscillations – Not CO2

Well, well. Congress learned something shattering today, which will have the Church of Al Gore/IPCC running in fear of their lost credibility. It has been scientifically demonstrated that 70% of the Global Warming in the last century (and cooling in the last decade) is due to the Pacific Ocean Oscillations, not CO2: One necessary result […]

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