Tag Archive 'Obama Campaign'

Oct 30 2008

Faux Bravado From Obama/Dem Pollster

In an attempt to answer McCain’s internal poll numbers, showing McCain has a good chance to pull a hat out of a rabbit here in the final days, an Obama/Dem pollster (not sure which) tips his hand mathematically and confirms the McCain camp’s claims. Here is a item by item analysis and an important summary, […]

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Sep 11 2008

Seriously, The Dems Have Lost This Election – Did A Star Chamber Crew Screw Up?

Wild Speculation Alert! This post includes some wild speculation built around truth of the news surrounding the imploding Obama campaign. The wild guessing relates only to the cause of the collapse of the Dems and Obama. It is all over the news, indications that the Obama campaign is spinning down the tubes. Political leaders and […]

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