Tag Archive 'Obama'

Nov 29 2008

The Accidental Centrist?

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Is Barack Obama a stealth centrist? Did he just dupe the far left into electing him as the progressive agent of change only to walk out of the centrist closet and dash their hopes of a liberal/progressive age of America? According to a lot of discussions the Democrats elected a surprise centrist to the White […]

16 responses so far

Nov 27 2008

India Under Attack From Islamo Fascists

It seems the national security tests of Obama and the Democrats is beginning in India, and now I can understand why Obama was hesitant to swap out people at the Department of Defense. Since he has been elected he is seeing information and getting advice that would gray the hairs of most people. I can […]

3 responses so far

Nov 23 2008

The Democrat Honeymoon Over Before It Even Starts?

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The Obama, marketed as the man who would ‘change’ politics, America and the world has stumbled out of the starting blocks. His selection of cabinet members has most people wondering if there are enough Clinton-era political retreads left around to fill all the Obama administration slots. “Change” just doesn’t seem to be coming through with […]

15 responses so far

Nov 14 2008

Bush Leaves Office With Bin Laden And al-Qaeda Severely Wounded

The democrats are lucky. All they need to do is make sure they continue to stabilize Iraq and Afghanistan and help Pakistan clear out the last remaining Islamo Fascists hold up in their northern tribal regions – then plan the victory parades. They will arrogantly claim they ended the Iraq war (hopefully in victory if […]

17 responses so far

Nov 12 2008

Liberal Petty Vindictiveness Can Be Very Dangerous To America

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What do the Democrats want to do for those who kept America safe from another terrorist attack on this nation over the past 7 years? Something no one would dare to predict after 9-11, that we could go 7 years without another attack on US soil. What is the gratitude to be showed to these […]

61 responses so far

Nov 12 2008

Taking The Pulse Of America On Obama & The Dems

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There is a barometer for Americans to assess how well the Dems and Obama are doing – the right track/wrong track poll numbers. Since the election USA Today/Gallup checked the pulse of America and the election of Obama has not moved the needle: it is still pegged at 13% right track and 84% wrong track. […]

12 responses so far

Nov 08 2008

Burn-Out Open Thread

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Folks, after weeks of working at a frantic pace AND blogging about the upcoming election you can tell my posts have been few. Sadly there is nothing that really interests me in the news, which is the worst way to experience the post election world right now. From the ground things are well back to […]

21 responses so far

Nov 03 2008

Obama Shows His Ability To Reach Across The Aisle

Senator Obama has a message for America and his ability to work across the aisle when congratulating John McCain. A salute to the American voter! Way to go slick.

16 responses so far

Nov 02 2008

Think Energy Costs Are High Now?

If people think heating and electricity are expensive now, just wait until Obama bankrupts the coal industry and we lose even more domestic energy sources

2 responses so far

Oct 30 2008

The Scariest Thing Obama Has Ever Said

Obama’s socialistic views about sharing our hard earned money with others who did not work so hard to earn their money or who throw their money away on drugs or something is bad enough. Scary for sure. But if you want to be terrified think of an Obama administration which uses the NSA to listen […]

13 responses so far

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