Tag Archive 'Obama'

Oct 10 2008

Obama Caught In Outright Lies Over ACORN

McCain wants to change DC, Obama wants to change America! Barack Obama has now been caught in outright lies to the American public regarding his association with ACORN: Obama’s campaign website states: Fact: Barack was never an ACORN trainer and never worked for ACORN in any other capacity. … Chicago- The Barack Obama Campaign – […]

17 responses so far

Oct 10 2008

As World Markets Collapse America Can Look Back To The Clinton Years For Why

McCain wants to change DC, Obama wants to change America! Rash ideas can destroy something built over decades of careful steps. The Clinton ‘golden years’ ended with the dot.com bubble he created bursting and wiping out a lot of wealth, bringing on a small recession George Bush had to deal with when he took office. […]

8 responses so far

Oct 10 2008

Obama Doesn’t Understand Why Americans Can Question His Judgement

McCain wants to change DC, Obama wants to change America! Obama is so naive and inexperienced it is painful to watch. On top of that his Chicago-style politics is not going to work nationally. His campaign is in full whine mode now. He wonders why the final phase of this election is not about the […]

14 responses so far

Oct 09 2008

No Wonder Obama Will Sit Down With Rogue Nations Who Support Terrorists

McCain wants to change DC, Obama wants to change America! [Note: I am going to bracket every post related to the 2008 Presidential election with the above tag line to remind everyone what this election is all about. If I fail to do so please remind me to update the posts!] Now I understand why […]

10 responses so far

Oct 08 2008

A Tie Goes To McCain. He Will Change Washington, Not America

McCain wants to change DC, Obama wants to change America! Reading through the views of the politically obsessed this morning (me being one myself) one has to step back and think about the country and our choices. Just about everyone agrees the debate was boring (after Sarah Palin, of course it was boring) and basically […]

8 responses so far

Oct 07 2008

Anderson Cooper On Bill Ayers And His Friend Barack Obama

Last night Anderson Cooper had on a reporter (I believe he was Drew Griffin) who did a great piece on Obama and Bill Ayers. If someone can rustle up the video let me know. If CNN did more of this kind of real reporting Obama would be in much more trouble than he already is. […]

17 responses so far

Oct 06 2008

Obama Campaign Unveils New Military Uniforms For US Armed Forces

Published by under All General Discussions

With my tongue firmly in my cheek I cannot help but notice the ‘change’ Obama plans to bring to our military. Not only does he want to revamp the Seal of The President, he has plans to overhaul the dowdy-looking US military uniform:   This multi-service fashion statement also acts as a floatation device in […]

4 responses so far

Oct 06 2008

Obama Surrogate Springsteen Gets 10,000, VP Candidate Palin Gets 10,000

Obama just cannot match Sarah Palin’s ability to draw crowds. Today Obama surrogate ‘The Boss’ Springsteen serenaded a crowd of 10,000 – most of which I am sure came to just hear the music and all of which were not Obama supporters. Also today Sarah Palin, VP Candidate for the GOP, drew 10,000 supporters. They were all […]

6 responses so far

Oct 06 2008

US And Global Markets Take A Beating

The Global Markets are taking a beating (so much for that emergency band aid passed on Friday). One has to wonder if the country is will to hand the fate of all us to a know-nothing Junior Senator from Chicago who has done nothing of any import or noteworthiness in his short career? There does […]

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Oct 06 2008

The Ayers Implosion Of O-Bomba!

For those wondering why McCain-Palin is bringing up Ayers (and others) now it is to hammer Obama with his deceptions and terrible past associations in the final lap of the race. If every week a new problem arises for Oabam, he will be on the defensive and hemorrhaging supporters.  The media is going to cry […]

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