Tag Archive 'Obama'

Oct 06 2008

How Many Terrorists Does Obama Have Dinner With?

What kind of mindset does it take to have many, many dinners and discussions with an agent of the PLO, and then think it will not be brought up during an election for President? Obama and his media puppets are really playing the end game in this election poorly. His connections to American Terrorist Bomber […]

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Oct 06 2008

Obamas And Ayers Hold Panel On Violent Youths, Obama Law Suits Funneled Bad Loan Money Into His Campaign Coffers

The irony of this news story up at Drudge is incredible. Ayers and the Obamas were on a panel talking about how youthful violence should not be considered violent acts to the same standard as adults. The subtitle is great: Close-up on juvenile justice Author, former offender among speakers Ayers has the distinction of being […]

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Oct 05 2008

The Failing McCain-Palin Campaign Still Drawing Record Crowds

Update: Well Obama tried, but Palin actually got a crowd of 30,000 in Carson CA, which is 50% more than Obama got in Asheville, NC. Update: It seems Obama was able to pull about 20,000 today at a rally in NC. Impressive – he is as good as Palin, which makes me wonder all the more […]

30 responses so far

Oct 04 2008

Is Obama Actually A Puppet On A String?

We seem to go round and round again these days on whether candidates have ear pieces (and these days they can be impossible to detect since some can simply be a patch or something near the ear). I think many pols are wired to a back room of puppeteers. The Anchoress put me onto this […]

16 responses so far

Sep 30 2008

Pelosi’s “Anything Goes” Partisanship Is The Cancer In DC

Obama lost control of his herd when Nancy Pelosi got up before a critical vote requiring broad bi-partisan support and let lose with typical DC hyper-partisan finger pointing (you can see the video here). Why did she tank a bipartisan bailout with partisan sniping? Is she really that dumb – or is she that calculating […]

8 responses so far

Sep 29 2008

Obama Claimed Bailout Was His Success, Will It Be His Failure?

MAJOR UPDATE: OK, There are dangers to speed posting from work.  Clearly the GOP had more Nay votes – my bad!  More dems voted against the bill (95) than Republicans (65)! Way to go Obama-Pelosi-Reid-Frank, nice ‘leadership’ there. – end update. Yesterday Obama claimed he was the driving force behind the bailout package being voted today: […]

20 responses so far

Sep 28 2008

Did Obama Use Dead Soldier In Debate Over Objections Of His Family?

How crass is Obama and his news media puppets? Remember that “I have a bracelet too” moment when Obama couldn’t remember the name of the dead soldier he was about to use as a PR stunt? Seems the family of that fallen hero has asked Obama to stop wearing it and using their dead son as […]

5 responses so far

Sep 28 2008

America’s Darkest Days May Be Ahead Of It

As we close in on election day, and I see polls breaking towards the mythical messiah Obama, I realize I have seen this all happen before – in 2006. Way back in February 2006 I could see the warning signs that America was drifting away from the GOP, and I knew it was mostly due […]

15 responses so far

Sep 27 2008

When “Experience” Is “The Past”

Lamest political spin of the night from the Obama camp (Biden especially). The Dems tried to claim all the experience John McCain was “just the past”. In fact, a lot of the commentary was a joke. The talking heads at CNN were especially lame.  But O’Reilly was showing off his double digit IQ when he […]

7 responses so far

Sep 26 2008

Live Blogging The 1st Presidential Debate Of 2008 – I Have A Bracelet Too!

Update: Michelle Malkin notes O-bomba had to READ the name on his bracelet! (Near the end of the clip): Dumb move Obama. When you plan a political stunt like this, make sure you rehearse it enought to ensure it comes off genuine. Update: Obama’s Kissinger fiction was when McCain turned Obama into a floor mop: […]

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