Tag Archive 'Obama'

Sep 17 2008

“Community Agitator” Approach Indicates Flailing Obama Campaign

I had to steal a great line from Mark Levin today (I rarely listen to him these days, but beltway traffic can lead to long commutes with only AM talk radio as a companion). He called Barack Obama (and by extension his campaign) the Community Agitator, and it fits. We now see what Obama-Axelrod Axis […]

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Sep 17 2008

Message From Terrorist: We Still Want To Kill Americans

Yesterday Islamo Fascists sent America a message about the world we face: Attackers exploded a vehicle bomb outside the main gate of the U.S. Embassy in Yemen on Wednesday in what appeared to be a well-coordinated assault that triggered more explosions and heavy gunfire around the compound. Yemen’s official Saba news agency said 16 people […]

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Sep 15 2008

Obama’s Over Inflated Self Image

If an inflated ego was the way to energy independence, Obama would be floating America’s energy needs. Apparently he has a habit of exaggerating himself a bit (from a one time coworker): I have to say that Barack engages in some serious exaggeration when he describes a job that he held in the mid-1980s. I know […]

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Sep 15 2008

Will Obama Wake Up, Or Will His Arrogance Keep Him Blind?

I oppose Obama’s candidacy on many fronts, from his lack of experience to his ridiculous and dangers attempts to surrender Iraq to al-Qaeda, the man strikes me as one gaffe away from doing this country serious damage. He was on the way to his coronation because he had noticed the obvious – America wants change. […]

11 responses so far

Sep 14 2008

O-Bomba’s “Arrogance-Express” Is Derailing

More and more evidence is pooring in that the Obama campaign machine is latching up and smoke is starting to rise as it stalls and begins to fade. Obama was always a very high risk choice with his political inexperience (he has never won a straight election, ever). One can argue he did not win […]

8 responses so far

Sep 12 2008

The Pathetic Obama/Biden Gaffe Machine Regarding The Physically Handicapped

A lot of people gasped at Joe Biden’s honest mistake recently when, at a campaign event, he called out a local Democrat leader – asking him to stand. Sad thing was, the man was confined to a wheel chair. Earlier in the week, in Columbia, Missouri, Biden urged a paraplegic state official to stand up […]

20 responses so far

Sep 12 2008

Obama Sinking Dems, Not Just Himself – Election Over (Updated)

Bill Clinton is one of the most popular Democrat heroes of all time. Yet he took power of the White House while dems controlled both houses of Congress, and when he was done all three were in GOP hands. Go figure, in my world that is a disaster. Barack Obama seems to be ten times […]

13 responses so far

Sep 11 2008

Obama: Palin Is Just Another Pretty Face, Not A Pig

Obama really is pretty clueless. Instead of hinting that Governor Sarah Palin is a pig with lipstick, he goes on Letterman and calls her just another pretty face – insinuating she has no brains, views or political force of her own: Obama: “It does. But keep in mind that, technically, had I meant it that […]

14 responses so far

Sep 10 2008

The O-Bomb And The Tepid Conservatives

Interesting reading today on Obama’s Pig O-Bomb. The left can’t believe anyone would be insulted (but many women I have seen are royally pissed). And the right is concerned chauvinism is dead and ugly.  Here’s my take.  The left is deep in Maccac denial. And the right is making the same tepid mistake with women that allowed […]

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Sep 10 2008

What Drove The O-Bomb – Peer Pressure? Updated: Proof!

Major Update: Reader Perdogg points us to some clear evidence the Pig attack on Palin was a coordinated smear on the woman by the Democrat Party and Obama Campaign. Just go read the whole thing. Good-bye Democrats – we don’t need your muck in this proud nation. The entire party establishment was participating and it […]

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