Tag Archive 'Obama'

Sep 09 2008

Obama’s Pig Statement – Election’s Over

Major Update (and probably the last on this post): What we have here is a clear case of premeditated political suicide and armed plagiarism (was this Biden’s part in the crime?): The key to realizing the plagiarism, and to realizing that the entire riff was pre-scripted, is that Obama begins to tell the joke wrong.Obama […]

32 responses so far

Sep 06 2008

Are We Better Off Than 2002?

In my mind we are much better off than we were one year after 9-11. At this time back in 2002, as we prepared to challenge Saddam and his ties to al-Qaeda (they existed through Ayman Zawahiri before and after 9-11), we were a nation bracing for the next strike from al-Qaeda. Osama Bin Laden […]

6 responses so far

Sep 06 2008

DC/NY Political Industrial Complex Is All Confused And Angry Over Palin

A beautiful thing happened in American politics this last week. The iron grip of the arrogant, hyper-partisan political careerists with terminal God-complexes have become confused and angry because America intruded into their little echo chamber of disaster in the form of Sarah Palin. You can see it in the pathetic and cheap news media coverage […]

11 responses so far

Sep 04 2008

Obama Get’s Rolled By O’Reilly

I disagree with O’Reilly on tons of items (he has bloviating nonsense down). For example, O’Reilly thinks Iraq was a mistake, but clearly the Arab Muslim street would not have risen up against al-Qaeda until the war raged at their doorstep and they had to expose their murderous heart to the Arab Street. Once you […]

7 responses so far

Sep 03 2008

Here Comes The Barracuda!

Published by under All General Discussions

Think the rock band Heart: “Barra, Barracuda!” If the real thing dont do the trick No, you better make up something quick You gonna burn burn burn burn it to the wick Ooooooohhhh, barra barracuda. Fox just released one of the quotes from Palin’s speech and it is clear The Barracuda is coming out tonight. […]

15 responses so far

Sep 03 2008

OK Obama, Time To Lead The Healing, Show Us Your Miracle

This is just too funny to watch. Obama has promised to come to DC and HEAL the nation! Well, now that the left is in full culture war meltdown Barry needs to get out there and show us his stuff: The culture wars are making a sudden and unexpected encore in American politics, turning more […]

4 responses so far

Sep 01 2008

Obama Can’t Surrender Iraq To al-Qaeda, So He Secretly Moves To Surrender To Iran

According to the infinitely more tenured Senator Biden, Barack Obama has told Israel he plans to surrender to Iran on their nuclear weapons once in office:  Ha’aretz reports that Joe Biden told Israeli leaders that they would have to accept a nuclear Iran if Barack Obama wins the Presidency.  Israelis expressed “amazement” at Biden’s attitude: Democratic […]

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Sep 01 2008

Obama Fails Science Policy 101

Remember, Obama is a Harvard educated smooth talker, it pretty much guarantees the man is ignorant of science and its implications, but is really good at wrapping that ignorance up into impressive sounding sound bites – which are misleading at best. Now we have a way to prove this is the case since Obama has […]

3 responses so far

Aug 30 2008

Ignore! Previously: Obama Campaign Behind Palin Smear Site – How’s That For Equal Pay?

Recant Update: Per CJ’s investigating it seems Zach Hensel may just have an Obama-hosted website at the same server which used to host a precursor to the Obama fight the smears site, which does not connect the sites to Obama’s campaign – yet. Strange coincidence that all these anti-McCain sites all existence on one server, […]

3 responses so far

Aug 28 2008

Obama Is Not Ready To Lead Nation According To Biden, Dodd, Hillary – and Obama

I have to tip my hat to the McCain PR machine – it has been devastating to Obama. This election has turned from being a referendum on Bush or Iraq and is now firmly a question of Obama’s readiness to take on the responsibilities of leading and protecting this nation.  On June 12th I posted […]

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