Tag Archive 'Obama'

Jun 15 2010

Narcissist In Chief

Published by under All General Discussions

UPDATES BELOW! Major Update: Good God, I was easy on Obama versus Olberman, Mathews & Fineman on MSNBC These are the sycophant Obamabots for goodness sakes! More here at Hotair – end update The president’s speech was a pathetic dud.  The take away line – contrary to the pundits – was his admission that “we […]

45 responses so far

May 28 2010

White House Admits To Sestak Offer!

Published by under All General Discussions

Major Update II: Here is the complete memo, with all its admissions and attempts to ‘every thing we offered Sestak was of no value’ – so why make the offer???  The offer and the desired result are clearly delineated in this passage: The White House Chief of Staff enlisted the support of former President Bill […]

22 responses so far

May 23 2010

Liberal Zealots Took Control Of America’s National Security Before Obama’s Inauguration

Updates At The End One thing that has bothered me throughout the recent incidents of terrorism inside the United States on President Obama’s watch is why more people are not raising alarm bells on how dysfunctional our national security has become? Where are those dedicated souls whose primary goal in life is protecting this nation […]

18 responses so far

May 10 2010

US Attorney General Holder Discovers America Is At War With Terrorists!

Hold the presses! The United States Attorney General, Eric Holder, has made a mind boggling discovery this past week and he went on the Sunday morning talk shows to share this historic insight with the American people: Mr. Holder acknowledged the abrupt shift of tone, characterizing the administration’s stance as a “new priority” and “big […]

12 responses so far

Apr 25 2010

President Obama: The Quicker Screwer Upper

A friend of mine sent me a picture of a hilarious bumper sticker (foul language alert), which perfectly sums up the mood of the country towards the now ultra-liberal democrat party and its leader President Obama. Due to its crude language I decided to not post it since many long time readers expect this site […]

19 responses so far

Apr 05 2010

Obama Administration Confuses National Defense & Criminal Defense

President George W Bush understood the threat of terrorism, having experienced it up close during his first year in office and then throughout the rest of his two terms. He touched the raw horror, sadness and anger 0f  9-11 for weeks and months as he consoled family and friends of the dead, and consigned many […]

16 responses so far

Mar 28 2010

Obama Administration “Focused Like A Laser” On Absolute Nonsense

One of the primary tell-tale signs that liberals are just not mentally capable of dealing in the real world is their fascination and distraction with silly feel-good ideas. In order to convince themselves they are as relevant as the real movers and shakers in the world (a group of which I am not a member) […]

19 responses so far

Mar 06 2010

Lack Of Interrogation Produces Deadly Traitors Heading To America

Why is President Obama all of a sudden seeing the light in trying enemy combatants in military tribunals – with their extra layer of keeping national security information hidden? Well one reason may be the administration sees the need in the near future to keep certain information out of the public domain. Like all the opportunities […]

3 responses so far

Feb 23 2010

The Obama-Holder Failures On Domestic Terrorism Attacks

It is so pre 9/11 now. One of the tragedies that arose out of the NY Times’ erroneous reporting on the FISA-NSA changes made by President Bush in the after math of 3,000 people killed by terrorists on 9/11 was the idea we lost the trail of the soon-to-be mass murderers once they were in […]

2 responses so far

Feb 22 2010

Obama’s God Complex Is His Achilles’ Heel

Update: Allahpundit has some choice observations on this over at Hot Air for those interested – end update The message coming from the electorate to the government these days is pretty simple: “stop screwing things up, get out of the way, let us create and have jobs”. It is a very libertarian mood as the […]

31 responses so far

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