Tag Archive 'Obama'

Feb 17 2010

NSA-FISA As It Applies To American Terrorists

Updates Below! One of the issues that has come to the forefront since the Christmas Day Bombing attempt, which barely failed to murder 300 people in the skies over Detroit, MI and untold numbers on the ground, is what has changed between the Bush administration’s hair trigger concerns over potential threats and the Obama administration’s […]

9 responses so far

Feb 15 2010

Proof Holder & Obama Endangered American Lives

The career intelligence workers who defend this nation are starting to expose the danger Attorney General Eric Holder and President Obama have put this nation in. We are in danger of attack because Holder and Obama allowed for Christmas Day Bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab to be mirandized and ‘remain silent’ as his terrorist allies continued […]

18 responses so far

Feb 11 2010

Obama On Path To Be Worse Than Carter & Clinton Combined

It really is amazing how the far-left never accepts America’s repeated rejection of their government-centric, socialistic policies. Each time they trot them out the American people hammer them at the voting booth, put in small-government conservatives and the country enjoys decades of mostly positive economic health and wonderful lives. Carter tried his command-control economic policies, […]

16 responses so far

Feb 09 2010

Conservatives Deserve Serious Leaders

In a follow up to my post on how the fringe right is trying to co-opt the Tea Party movement I want to applaud this piece on Birther nonsense: The “we’re just asking questions” rationale seems to be the explanation du jour for the tiresome and self-destructive continuing “Birther” fixation of some journalists who purport to […]

18 responses so far

Feb 08 2010

Obama In Serious Trouble For 2012

I am always amazed out how far some people will go into denial to avoid facing the obvious. Obama’s poll numbers are tanking with the liberal Democrats as their combined failures start to stack up. They are heading for a huge fall blowout, but it is by no means the end of Democrat misery. I […]

13 responses so far

Feb 08 2010

Over 80% Of Americans Disapprove Of Liberal Democrat Congress

Major Update Below 2nd Major Update: All previous major updates are still below at the end, but this Rasmussen poll has to be at the top: Voters are madder than ever at the current policies of the federal government. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 75% of likely voters now say they […]

10 responses so far

Jan 25 2010

How Far Did Obama-Holder Relax Our Defenses?

Update: New fears of woman suicide bombers preparing to attack America: At least two are thought to have been trained by the Yemen-based group behind syringe bomber Umar Abdulmutallab’s Christmas Day jet bomb plot. They are thought to have non-Arab appearance and be travelling on Western passports, making them difficult to trace. Update: And because […]

12 responses so far

Jan 09 2010

Why Wasn’t This Man Interrogated Endlessly?

This is the reason why so many people cannot understand why Obama allowed leftist ideologue Eric Holder to mirandize the Christmas Day Bomber and allow him to lawyer up: British Intelligence has confirmed perhaps the most chilling boast that accused Christmas Day bomber Umar Abdulmutallab made to investigators after his arrest: that close to 20 […]

9 responses so far

Dec 28 2009

Obama Just Destroyed Any Hope Of A Second Term

VP candidate Joe Biden once predicted President Obama would be tested on national security and would fail. Today is the day VP Biden predicted would come. Today President Obama came out to publicly address the nearly successful Christmas Day Massacre aboard a Northwest Airline flight into Detroit Michigan. It has only been one day since President […]

18 responses so far

Dec 02 2009

Pure Conservatives Break From America

As I noted below, the President laid out to America a good case for the troop increases needed to try and break the back of the Taliban and al Qaeda. I also noted the idea of a ‘schedule’ in war is not realistic or smart- but all military plans have timelines. They have to in […]

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