Tag Archive 'Pakistan'

May 01 2011


Final Update: Watched the President’s speech and I give it B-. It was rambling and sappy at times. It lost focus as the success of tonight was diluted with grand talk of equality. It was so syrupy in places I almost felt sorry for the teleprompter. And when the President wandered into the “I” did […]

27 responses so far

May 06 2010

More Evidence Team Obama Stopped Shahzad Monitoring Begun Under Bush-Clinton

Welcome Big Government Readers – be sure to follow the links embedded below to previous posts on the timeline of decisions by the Obama administration to curtail surveillance, and if you have the time check out all our posts on the Ft Hood Massacre and the Christmas Day Bomber for how these details unfolded. Major […]

50 responses so far

Apr 13 2010

Obama’s Hit & Miss National Defense

As I have noted many times, the successful terrorist attack at Ft Hood and the nearly successful underwear bomber on Flight 253 over the skies of Detroit are evidence that team Obama lowered our national security detection thresholds. This altering of how we respond to suspicious communications or contacts with known or suspected terrorism supporters […]

8 responses so far

Dec 04 2009

Oh How The (NY) Times Have Changed

The NY Times is the largest liberal rag in the US. The folks there like to think of themselves as balanced journalists, which is just like watching a wino claim they can hold their liquor. So it is not surprising to see them praise the current administration for continuing and expanding successful policies put in […]

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Nov 14 2009

Obama Administration Is Not Being Straight With America On Ft Hood Massacre

For the last week I have been posting about my suspicions regarding the Ft Hood terrorist massacre and how the Obama administration seemed to be in full spin mode, as if they knew something horrible about the incident. The crux of my concerns have been the well established, far left positions held by AG Holder […]

16 responses so far

Oct 31 2009

Hunt For 9-11 Killers Finds Trail In Pakistan

One of the well connected Islamo Fascists that was on the inside of the Hamburg cell of al Qaeda, which in turn became the 9-11 highjackers, is Said Bahaji – a German citizen of Moroccan decent. He came to Hamburg in 1995. He enrolled in an electrical engineering program at a technical university in 1996. He spent […]

6 responses so far

Oct 19 2009

War On Terror Could Be In Final Stages

I stand by General McCrystal and his request for more troops, even though that likely means our son will go to Afghanistan as part of any surge. Depending on the timing of these new forces, though, the war on terror could be wrapping up sooner rather than later. The US and Pakistan have been tightening […]

2 responses so far

Oct 06 2009

“The Somber Seriousness Of The Presidency Has Yet To Sink

The Pitch-man in Chief, the new POTUS. Prior to last fall’s election a lot of people warned about how inexperienced and naive candidate Obama was, especially when he kept pretending to wave his magic wand during the campaign, promising to make everything beautiful. His promises were so simple they bordered on fiction. He was going […]

28 responses so far

Sep 20 2009

Major Terrorist Attack Foiled (AG Holder Better Stop His Witch Hunt)

Major Update – At the end of this post (way down below!) I noted how weak the charges are against these alleged terrorists  – basically low level perjury. I wondered what else was known, and now that the media is finally getting on this story, we learn the possible targets are disturbing, at least: Several reports […]

15 responses so far

Sep 18 2009

Taking Down al Qaeda One Thug At A Time

Contrary to the liberal hand wringing in DC, there are a lot of indications we will finally destroy al Qaeda and the Taliban hold in Northern Pakistan and Southern Afghanistan – basically the lawless areas neither country has ever had control of. Indications are the human aid we are applying to the region to educate […]

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