Tag Archive 'Sarah Palin'

Jul 05 2009

Yeah, She’s Running And Ready To Rumble!

Published by under Sarah Palin

I pretty well nailed Governor Palin’s strategy when she announced. Today there is little doubt to what she intends to do: “I am now looking ahead and how we can advance this country together with our values of less government intervention, greater energy independence, stronger national security, and much-needed fiscal restraint,” the former Republican vice […]

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Nov 17 2008

Tired Old Guard Of “True” Conservatives Tries To Stop Palin

Published by under All General Discussions

There is old rot in the GOP and conservative movement. It is the same old rot that took GOP Congressional majorities and a GOP White House in 2004 and was able to completely destroy the GOP and conservative brand in a mere 4 years, handing over Congress and the Dems to liberal democrats (on the […]

20 responses so far

Oct 28 2008

Democrat Women Come Out For Palin

I wanted to pass along an observation to the women of America that I hold dear, probably because I am the father of 3 wonderful young ladies who I want to see grow up to their full potential, whatever that is. I want them to be free to be who they are, and not be […]

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Oct 27 2008

Palin Verses Obama In Northern Virginia Shows Tight Race

Last week Senator Obama came to Northern Virginia – Leesburg to be exact. There he pulled a crowd of 10,000 people (though almost half left before he was even done speaking?). Today Governor Sarah Palin came to Leesburg, VA and also pulled a crowd of 10,000 people. A picture of the event this cold autumn […]

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Oct 21 2008

Sarah Palin Is The GOP Leader For The Future

Let me remind all those frustrated conservatives across the spectrum who, in one way or another, allowed the Democrats to take Congress in 2006. Many stayed home, others were tired of being belittled as impure conservatives and voted democrat. Both the moderate and far right were going to teach each other a lesson with Democrats […]

37 responses so far

Oct 16 2008

Listen To Obi-Wan, And Watch Those Polls! – Updated!

McCain wants to change DC, Obama wants to change America! 2nd Major Update: Did Obama commit a fatal unforced error when he let slip his liberal/socialist plans for redistributing wealth? This is still a center-right country, gang. Note this Gallup poll from June: When given a choice about how government should address the numerous economic […]

41 responses so far

Oct 09 2008

Why I Am A Conservative Independent

Want to know why I am proud to be a conservative independent and happy to remain outside the cult of a national party? David Brooks illustrates the fact that the rot in the Political Industrial Complex of Pols, Pundits, Media and Power Brokers cuts across party lines: David Brooks spoke frankly about the presidential and […]

12 responses so far

Oct 08 2008

Listen To Obi-wan Kenobi, There Is Good News Out There

Published by under All General Discussions

McCain wants to change DC, Obama wants to change America! Obi-wan Kenobi is a mentor of Jim Geraghty who has years of political experience on the GOP side. In 2004 Obi-wan and I were of the exact same mind (which means more about my ability to act like a stopped watch every for years and […]

9 responses so far

Oct 05 2008

Political Industrial Complex Reacts To Palin – And Shows ITS Weakness

Two talking heads on NBC’s Meet The Press illustrated why Palin is the premier candidate in this race. Paul Begala tried to address Palin’s comments about Obama’s relationship to Bill Ayers, the unrepentant terrorist. Begala’s efforts to turn this around were laughable. He started by saying “guilt by association” would not work Bush-McCain, Bush-McCain, Bush-McCain). […]

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Oct 02 2008


The Huffington Post has compiled some segments of Palin’s prior debating stints and it is impressive: I like this hard hitting Sarah-Cuda better than the sunny optimistic one that has been on TV interviews. I think she needs to show both tonight – sunny optimism at the end, after she has dispatched Joe.

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