Dec 03 2005

Did Fitzgerald Do A Boo-Boo?

Published by at 1:53 pm under All General Discussions,Plame Game

Given how little Fitz Magoo has accomplished in all this time, and how much he missed, is it any wonder the Wunder-Klutz may have to back off a Rove indictment because he himself did not recall events correctly? From Atrios we get to this CNN update:

BOB FRANKEN, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, it’s very delicate. We’re picking up that there could be two principals in this getting deposed next week giving sworn statements. Those two would include Karl Rove’s attorney, Robert Luskin and Viveca Novak of “Time Magazine.”

Now it really comes down to, when all is said and done, a question of who said what to whom when.

And the who is very important because we’re being told by a variety of sources that the special prosecutor, Patrick Fitzgerald, was planning to indict Karl Rove for misrepresenting during the investigation an interview comments that he had made to a reporter. However, there was a key conversation, sources say, and there may have been a misunderstanding by the special prosecutor that a conversation that he was attributing to Rove with Viveca Novak of “Time Magazine” may, in fact, have really been held by Rove’s attorney, Robert Luskin.

As we’ve talked many times before, you and I, and just about any reporter who’s been involved in this, has had conversations on the record with Luskin.

So now comes the process where Luskin is going to be testifying under oath during this deposition then Novak. Then Fitzgerald is going to have to make a decision on whether he will change his mind about indicting Rove.

Fitz Magoo delivers. Oh, the precious irony! I thinK Fitz might want to change his mind about the entire Plame affair.

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Did Fitzgerald Do A Boo-Boo?”

  1. BurbankErnie says:

    Fitz seems to be grasping at straws trying to stop this sham of an investigation from crumbling. Seems these Special Prosecutors all seem to fall into the same trap. Fitz is still trying to implicate ANYONE in the Admin. and will obviously do anything to reach his predetermined goal; bust Politicians.

    When will the investigation turn to the obvious culprits in this mess, and stop creating crimes that exist only in Fitz’s world?

  2. This is completely nuts–it’s like they’re a bunch of kids in high school trying to get their stories straight, only there’s no underlying crime so it’s all meaningless. Moot. Angels dancing on the head of a pin.


  3. fredriknyman says:

    I’m confused; why is Luskin testifying? Doesn’t lawyer-client privilege apply? Or have Rove and Luskin waived that?