Dec 30 2009

Confirmed: Changes By Obama Administration Probably Led To Increased Success Of Terrorist Attacks In America

I knew it would not take too long before deep sources inside the intel community would start to spill the beans about changes the liberal Obama administration made to our national security apparatus that were the likely (and I emphasize that for now) cause for terrorists having more success in hitting us in 2009 than any other time since 9-11.

The first hint of evidence comes from a State Department professional who noted significant changes that would have led to (1) the terrorism task force investigation of Major Hasan being suspiciously shut down and (2) lack of quick responses to the Abdulmutallab warning signs. Per an American Spectator article just out we learn:

When Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was placed on the British government’s watch list in May 2009 and banned from entering the country, the U.S. embassy in London (and by extension the U.S. State Department), as well as U.S. intelligence agencies, were notified of this move as part of information-sharing agreements entered into by a number of Western governments after the September 11, 2001 attacks, says a U.S. State Department employee on the condition of anonymity because of concern that by speaking about the situation, their job could be endangered.

This employee says that despite statements from the Obama Administration, such information was flagged and given higher priority during the Bush Administration, but that since the changeover “we are encouraged to not create the appearance that we are profiling or targeting Muslims. I think career employees were uncomfortable with the Bush procedures and policies and were relieved to not have to live under them any longer.”

I suspected as much in my query earlier today on what the Obama administration changed regarding our security once they took over. This is probably just a small hint at what the liberals did when they decided to reorient the war on terror into a more politically correct criminal investigation. It explains both the Flight 253 failures and the out-of-the-blue closing of the Major Hasan investigations.

It is not beyond the pale that the liberals like AG Holder and President Obama came into office with the intent of changing the course of national defense. As I said earlier, the first clear warning signs of this myopic naiveté was the ban on the phrase ‘terrorist‘ or ‘terrorism‘. And it is also crystal clear in the aftermath of the Flight 253 bombing incident, as the administration conveyed all the rights of a US citizen on the Nigerian Jihadist terrorist - including the right to remain silent in order to ensure future attacks are not stopped.

These people were warned over and over again these liberal approaches to national security were dangerous in the extreme. They have no excuses or places to point fingers.

Hopefully others in the national security arena will now come forward and illuminate all the changes made by this inexperienced administration of young ideologues. Changes that threaten the lives of all Americans. If we cannot target Muslims, we cannot target the radical and violent Islamists who hide behind that religion.

H/T Kim Preistap at Wizbang

Update: A good listing from the Telegraph UK of the systemic failures on Obama’s watch.

13 responses so far

13 Responses to “Confirmed: Changes By Obama Administration Probably Led To Increased Success Of Terrorist Attacks In America”

  1. granitroc says:

    Just a quick question. Whereis Jamie Gorelic these days?

  2. […] an attack, we had perhaps become a bit complacent, but -unless a president and administration actually puts policies in place to weaken our security- the blame for a terror attack always goes to the […]

  3. kathie says:

    Got it AJ…..lay off Muslims (only a few are jihadis), and Black Panthers, and of course ACORN and most of all, lay off Obama. I think the President and Holder are making themselves clear as day.

  4. Toes192 says:

    Say what you want about the Saudi’s … but… they really know how to handle terrorist killers… They’d catch some one… next day he would confess… [no ACLU or right to remain silent… Of course, I was not privy to the methods of interrogation… I NEVER heard of anyone withholding info… EVERY SINGLE ONE fully confessed… gave up ALL his info including co-conspirators… etc…etc]… Sometimes within a month… he’d be executed by chopping off his head in public…

  5. Layman says:

    I’ve heard a lot of people say, “Don’t be so quick to condemn Obama. Don’t kneejerk blaming Obama like the libs did to Bush.” I don’t know about specific policies, but we do know the general atmosphere has changed. It is not a kneejerk reaction to point out:

    You cannot use the terms Isalmofacist, terror, terrosist, jihadist, etc. Terrorists acts are now man made disasters. The war on terror is now an international contingency. We must be careful not to offend Muslims. Obama can’t even bring himself to say one good word about the previous adminisration. To the contrary, Bush and Cheney were wrong. Bush and Cheney were idiots. Bush and Cheney were trying to scare the American people. Etc, etc. etc.

    Given this climate, created from the very top of this administration, is it any wonder that people in the State department and intelligence agencies reduced their vilgilance a notch, relaxed a little bit when it came to sharing information, slacked off on “connecting the dots.”

    Obama hasn’t had to formally change a single policy to reduce our ability to prevent terrorist acts. His language, priorites, and general disdain for a defensive state of mind have sent the message loud and clear. Unfortunately it has been heard both here at home and by our enemies abroad. God help us!

  6. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Margaret Morris, Dominio Feminino. Dominio Feminino said: RT @teacherspets: Changes By Obama Administration Probably Led To Increased Success Of Terrorist Attacks In America: […]

  7. dhunter says:
    Confirmed: Changes By Obama Administration
    Probably Led To Increased
    Success Of Terrorist Activity in America
    Posted By: AJStrata 12/30/2009 12:34:01 PM
    The Strata-Sphere, by AJStrata

    One of my favorite sites linked to you AJ.

  8. […] always have been. So what changed at NCTC that stopped a full background check of Abdulmutallab? Was it as this State Department source said – orders form the new Obama team to not profile Muslims: This employee says that despite […]

  9. […] Ft Hood Massacre) and which allowed a Nigerian Jihadist to ignite his faulty bomb on Flight 253. In my last post I noted on State Department source – apparently a career professional in my opinion – […]

  10. […] posture which could easily have resulted in the Nigerian bomber getting through our defenses. First from a career  State Department source: This employee says that despite statements from the Obama Administration, such information was […]

  11. […] Strategy, which was polluted with things like Global Warming and H1N1. It explains this comment from a career State Department source: This employee says that despite statements from the Obama Administration, such information was […]

  12. […] folks who cannot get over their hatred of the past administration to be pulled from important jobs. We have heard many rumblings since the failed attack on Christmas Day from inside the intelligence and national security […]

  13. […] name. Neither the CIA nor NCTC connected the Yemen al Qaeda threat by some Nigerian individual (with a similar name supposedly) to Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab? As I have said before, the computers have to make the connections […]