Apr 29 2006

Palestinians Deserve Their Fate

Published by at 9:06 pm under All General Discussions,Bin Laden/GWOT

The Palestinians wanted to snub the world and the West when they naively voted for Hamas and the group’s propaganda.  The tragedy is that propaganda, by its very definition, is a fantasy built on lies.  So when Hamas finally had control of the reigns of government it was inevitable their lies would be exposed – painfully so.  So news that Palestine, now ‘occupied’ by the ruling Hamas party, is now in ruins is not really news at all.  It is vindication:

Ayman Shurasi invested his life savings in an amusement park for Gaza’s children, replete with “flying” elephants, bumper cars and a smiling Thomas the Tank Engine.

Israel was about to pull out from the fenced-in, desperately poor coastal strip.

“I wanted to erase the bad dreams and bad images from the minds of children and create a child’s atmosphere in Gaza,” he said.

Nine months later, with the optimism spawned by Israel’s withdrawal replaced by the financial debacle of a new Hamas-led government, most Gazans can barely afford bread, let alone the $3 ticket to enter Shurasi’s now largely empty park.

Just one month into Hamas’ rule, international isolation has deprived it of the funds needed to meet Palestinians’ basic needs, the Palestinian territories are in political and economic chaos, and the crisis has raised the specter of civil war.

Democracy and freedom not only mean the freedom to chose and succeed, they mean the freedom to make bad choices and fail miserably.  It all looks so easy when the US does it – doesn’t it?  I truly wish this man’s dream had come true.  It was a good and beautiful dream.  It was not, sadly, a Hamas dream.  They want war with the infidels.  Hamas is learning a hard, necessary lesson.  Don’t threaten your financial benefactors with terrorism.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Palestinians Deserve Their Fate”

  1. Kaz-Man says:

    Can’t agree with you more, AJ. The sad thing is- they will continue to blame the Jews. History will judge these people as being the most dysfunctional group in modern history.

  2. Snapple says:

    I think most of the normal ones left.