Dec 11 2006
The Emerging “Dirty Bomb” Theory
Finally we are seeing some people using science, analysis and logic to address the fact we have a series of sworn enemies of Russia, who are aligned with allies of Al Qaeda, turning up exposed to massive amounts of Polonium 210 (compared the amount needed to kill one person), a material used in nuclear bomb triggers and a good candidate for a dirty bomb:
Therefore, without sounding as unhinged as the conspiratorial hordes that we seek to expose, we must seriously consider the possibility that Litvinenko was not assassinated but died after somehow exposing himself to Plutonium 210. The “dirty bomb†theory is one of the most likely means of exposure. Plutonium 210 has certain industrial uses that make it relatively easy to obtain; however, Litvinenko was not involved in any business that would have had a legitimate reason to use Plutonium 210. He was, however, intimately involved with a Chechen terrorist organization that had, in the past, made a “dirty bomb†from radioactive material similar to Plutonium 210. The possibility, therefore, exists that Litvinenko was at some point in a location where Plutonium 210 was being used to assemble a terrorist weapon. Such a prospect is far more disconcerting then your simple, run of the mill, Kremlin-ordered “hit†of a political dissident; and it is a possibility which should be explored by the British government and the civilized world.
Indeed it is. One thing not being reported is whether anyone thinks they have accounted for all the Polonium 210 associated with Berezovsky’s long time associates (Litvnenko and Lugovoi). These are not Putin’s people. A dirty bomb is a realistic option in this case.
Yeah, and all of Kovton’s hair had already fallen out. Sunburn on his scalp caused him to cut his hair off? Was there any stubble? Was there any evidence of a sunburn? Exposure to high levels of alpha radiation produces “sunburn” too. In fact, almost exactly like sunburn.
If he is experiancing severe radiation poisoning it is going to be difficult to interview him because his immune system would be severely weakened … as in no white blood cells. If his bone marrow has been killed, he is up a creek without a paddle.
they interviewed Kovton right away last week thank God and today they did Luguvoy.
Sorry about making you repost the whistleblower? thingy. I think sometimes when there’s a lot in the queue posts get delayed.
On Berezovsky’s 2005 claim that the Chechens had a small portable nuclear device “which had not been used until now for only one reason: because some necessary element was missing”… a friend of mine has suggested that this might be a hit job meant to *look like* Litvinenko and the London exiles were involved in nuclear contraband. Just another thought, anyway…
You could do that by shooting Litvinenko and placing a container of polonium in his pocket.
hmmm… good point…
although then it would look like a hit job…
You could, but those cameras all over London would pick you up qickly. OTOH with PO you may get away with it.
Can you imagine even Clintoon and Hillary giving permission to the CIA to do a hit on somebody (one of their enemies LOL) in a foreign capital using radioactive stuff that could do secondary damage – I don’t see how this was authorized by Putin….
I can’t see that either, Lizarde – here in Germany I’ve read a few theories pointing to internal rivals of Putin, such as Igor Setschin and the Silowiki grouping.
The Germans are saying that this is not the work of a secret service – that a veritable autobahn of traces have been laid that lead right back to Moscow… Where are you in Germany?
Munich… are you here somewhere too?
No, used to live near Hamburg but I’m reading german new articles from news sites – die welt, der spiegel, focus, bild etc.
I’m not sure it was done by Putin either, but I wouldn’t put it past his allies in the FSB or the Russian mafia.
I think they are far more likely than Berezovsky, for example. Or the Chechins.
“anybody who read the der spiegel article in English – wasn’t it creepy reading about how they were out in the sauna house, said the regular house was too “dirty†and had some kind of tape all over the door knobs? And this was 5 days before Kovton was in the hospital”
Yes Lizarde! Definitely already exposed to polonium — they knew about it, too. What exactly was going on there?
“Yeah, and all of Kovton’s hair had already fallen out. Sunburn on his scalp caused him to cut his hair off? ”
CP, that has to be the dumbest, most blatant tale I’ve read in all this, too. Kovtun had a sunburn too painful to stand without shaving? Have any of you ever tried to shave with a sunburn? It is absolutely excruciating.
If I were on that Der Spiegel interview team, I’d be checking my polonium exposure levels.
It seems to me that the Germans are less quick to jump to the conclusion of an assassination… maybe it’s just my impression, but the Western media seemed very ready to accept it before the facts are out. That’s one reason I like Mr. Strata’s blog, because all possibilites are canvassed without political feelings getting in the way.
It may be that the murder didn’t occur on German soil, and German authorities are more concerned alone with the PO exposure.
hopefully they didn’t eat or drink anything at the sauna house! Obviously K & L were in a panic at Lugovoy’s country house and they were trying to think what to do – Lugovoy being to some extent in denial regarding his pending death (My theory) is trying to cover for their involvement some how and protect their business interests – hate to tell them but it’s too late. Lugovoy still thinks he’s gonna survive per his refusal to give out results of his tests when they come back – he probably thinks he can get a bone marrow transplant just like Litvinenko thought
–If I were on that Der Spiegel interview team, I’d be checking my polonium exposure levels.–
No doubt.
That’s likely, Clarice… and the Germans do tend to be quite ‘sachlich’ or clinical about things