Dec 18 2006
New Al Qaeda Tape Coming
Al Zawahiri plans to send a new video message soon. I am not sure, but I think there is a pretty good correlation between these tapes and some new attack on the West. I guess we shall see.
Dec 18 2006
Published by AJStrata at 4:46 pm under All General Discussions,Bin Laden/GWOT
Al Zawahiri plans to send a new video message soon. I am not sure, but I think there is a pretty good correlation between these tapes and some new attack on the West. I guess we shall see.
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He just wants to personally congratulate the American people and Baker for their foresight.
AJ, I think he just wants to wish us all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. And, may you and your family enjoy the Holidays.
They have at least 3 of the 10 suitcase nuclear bombs that were idden in the US by Soviet agents during the cold war. Somebody has been wheeling and dealing in po210 which is needed to replenish the depleted material in the triggers of these bombs. . In addition they have been promising us an American Hiroshima for months. Pres. Bush has received the invite to convert. All Muslims have been told to get out of the US. What more do you need to figure out what they are planning?
“All Muslims have been told to get out of the US.”
You have a source for that?
Nevermind, I found it … some Paki journalist reporting on some interview back in September.
Here’s the best article I could find on it:
Supposedly was supposed to happen during Ramadan. Nothing happened and as far as I know, Muslims weren’t in any mass exodus from the country. But what bugs me now is the fact that the Saudi Ambassador has bugged out, and he was chief of Saudi intelligence for a number of years.
Re chief of Saudi Intel. I read that the Saudi’s are worried about the coming pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia by 40,000 Shea Iranians. Many it is speculated are soldiers, and could cause trouble, stampedes, riots and even try to over throw the House of Saud. Take it for what it is worth.
Yeah, that’s going to be a problem when the Muslims start turning on each other on a broader scale.
I seem to remember some using the Hadj for terrorists attacks before. But Crosspatch, I have to wonder, does it help our cause if they are turning on each other or is it more of a problem? I tend to think it would be to our benefit if they have to start dealing with each other because it would take some of their efforts and resources away from harassing us and innocent people. But, there is that danger that this could turn into a much larger war dragging all of the neighboors in too. Lebanon is already a tinderbox and the Moron of Iran seems to be about to turn on his own college students.
Right now we are the enemy. But in the end it will the Sunni and Shea who will have to fight it out for dominance and who will spread the caliphate. I wonder how the Arab Shea will line up with or against the Iranians. The longer it takes for these guys to work it out the more lethal the fight will be.
One thing that seems to mess up the thinking of many people in the west is that few appreciate the fact that the jihadis see this as a 50 to 100 year long struggle. We think of things in terms of news cycles, of presidential administrations, or other things of a shorter duration. They are perfectly willing to accept setbacks that might result in a 5 or 10 year delay in reaching their goals.
That is probably what infuriates me so much about many in this country who would project their own domestic political feelings onto a situation that has absolutely nothing at all to do with our domestic politics.
Their first goal is to isolate us from the rest of the international community and in many ways they have succeeded in that. It is very fashionable now to be anti-american, or better put, it is politically incorrect in many areas of the world to be pro-US regarding anything.
Remember that the embassy bombings, the USS Cole bombing, the first WTC bombing and all the planning along with most of the training for 9/11 happened during a Democratic administration. Al Qaeda doesn’t care really who is in power here, they are simply going to agitate against whoever is in power. It was also Clinton who made “regime change” in Iraq the official US policy.
Those people don’t care about our domestic politics. We are going to be dealing with this for decades and through several presidential administrations. Their ultimate goal is clearly stated: re-establishment of the caliphate and the establishment of sharia as law of the land globally. They don’t care if it takes 100 years to do it or not. They aren’t going to give up if Osama is killed and they certainly aren’t going to give up if Obama is in the White House.
They are going to fight, they have made that decision unilaterally. So the choice is to either give them the opportunity to fight at places and times of our choosing, or give them the initiative and allow them to pick the places and times.
Iraq was relatively calm after the US invasion. It was almost a year later that Al Qaida started agitating in a big way. They stuck their noses in Iraq. They have their noses stuck in Somalia now. That will be a victory for them to show the world. Clinton ran away and they were prepared to take years to accomplish their takeover. In fact, they don’t care if it takes them another 10 years. Because they know we will tire of the fight and eventually give up because many in this country believe that if you are just nice enough to everyone, nobody will take your lunch money.
Al Qaida will be fighting in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Somalia, the Philippines, and probably Central America (Hezbollah has now set up shop in Venezuela) when our kids are our age and it isn’t going to matter one iota who is president. This crap about it being about the Palestianian issue is just that. You can solve that issue tomorrow and the fighting will continue in those places and probably spread to more.
So people can blame all this on Bush if they want but it has been going on long before he took office and will continue long after. So they use it for theor political propaganda and get their party elected to office. Then what? You think they are going to stop? You think they won’t hit us again? They did it before with Democrats in power, they will do it again.
Actually, you can lay the blame for all this squarely in the lap of Jimmy Carter. Had he not abandoned the Shah of Iran, Hezbollah wouldn’t be in existance and Russia would have never invaded Afghanistan creating an Osama bin Laden. But here we are, a generation later, still dealing with it. And they aren’t going to stop because what they want is a unified world government under religious law and they see it as their duty to God to fight for that as long as they live,
THAT is the real deal. All this other stuff is just people fiddling while the world is burning.
Ah, Rama-dama-ding-dong. Comes earlier and earlier every year. Because those who follow the ‘crescent moon,’ never developed the insight that a “moon calendar’ needs adjusting for the way the world twirls.
Da Jews have been making corrections every 19 years. Where it adds a second month of Adar. To put things in balance.
Even 365 days misses the “quarter.” As you really need another “day” to account for the rotating. And, you know we do it! Welcome to February 29th.
It gets even more interesting. Because if we didn’t correct the calendar, both George Washington and Lincoln would have been born on the same date. But we had to “add” a bit to make the garment fit.
While Rama-dama-ding-dong is so 17th century.
While we’re getting a new “tape.” Uh huh. From the clueless wonders. Who use their propaganda, as long as the UN, and most diplomats, have no language skills to say words that RING TRUE.
On the other hand, today. Over at the NY Post. So you can pick up Ralph Peters latest article. IF WE’RE SERIOUS ABOUT IRAQ … Well, go an read it. It’s stuff that makes Dubya weep.
You expect the senate to look like looney leftoids? I don’t. I expect to see a CENTER. And, no, I don’t expect to see Hillary a winner over there. But follow the FIRST 5. That’s how many went with Joe Lieberman and John McCain, on their recent foreign voyage. THUNE was there. And, Collins. From Maine. I’m missing the 5th man.
But if you think there’s no CENTER in this country, then you haven’t been following politics. You’re just caught up in the fringe. The fringe is out of ideas. And, like Rama-dama-ding-dong, don’t even know how to fix their broken calenda.
IF Iraq has 40,000 “troops” disguised as pilgrims, they’re on the wrong court to win much. You have no idea how tight the saudis are with giving out passes. To pilgrims. But bring it on. Why should the knicks be the only team that has lunacy prevail during “games.”
Why can Al-Kay-duh interrupt our news cycles like this? You’d think if we really excised air power, and real police work in Iraq, they’d be terrified by now! Including the House of Saud! Who funds the whole shibang.
Carol—it’s not Iraq with 40,000 soldiers, it’s Iran.
Crosspatch, I hope you didn’t confuse me with Ken the propagandist nutjob. I agree with every word of you assessment of the terrorist situation, especially about what they want and how long they are willing to wait for it. I absolutely am getting sick and tired of the short attention span and impatience of the average American. I remember reading an article almost twenty years ago, I wish I could find it now, that talked about and was titled I think, “The Coming War with Islam”. Some Americans have not yet figured out that this is going to be a problem for all of their life, and they don’t want to ever come to that conclusion. They want to believe that they can ignore reality and live in their protected utopian world and they will never have to expend any energy worrying about the world. This is abject cowardice and irresponsibility. If we love our kids, we will make sure they have a more decent humane world to live in. Sometimes that takes a little more work and sacrifice.
No, I didn’t confuse you with our resident troll. I did, however, want to point out a very cynical game that the Democrats are playing. While they obstruct every attempt to make progress in Iraq and withold support, they are making a gamble. They are betting that the US can absorb a future attack and that they can blame it all on the Republicans and can then come riding to the rescue like the cavalry just in the nick of time to save America. In other words, they are using the lives of Americans as currency in their game of political power and are willing to spend that currency if it gives them officce.
Since the militant salafists had already declared war on us (bin Laden actually giving a formal declaration of war) before Bush took office and had already attacked us on US soil (first World Trade bombing), it should be no surprise that 9/11 happened or that they will try again the first chance they get to hit us. It will not matter if a Republican or a Democrat is in office. But the Democrats are hoping to play it as if the nice Democrats came into power and the terrorists hit us anyway, how dare they. And then blame the whole thing on Bush’s “mishandling” of the war on terror which actually started in the administration previous (well, actually started toward the end of the Carter administration with hijacking of planes to Beruit every other week by Hezbollah, Iran’s proxy in the region).
Anyway, dead Americans are good for the Democratic strategy. Dead Americans now mean more criticism for the Republicans and a allow a way to get into office by playing on America’s war weariness and dead Americans later allow them to point the finger at the Republicans to ensure their staying in office a while and at the same time providing the justification to continue to fight the terrorists because “Bush messed it all up”.
That will work for a while. Maybe an administration or two. But what happens when it is still going on 20 years from now? Are they still going to be blaming Bush? Clinton could have nipped this in the bud but chose not to. Carter could have prevented all this to begin with by applying pressure on the Shah to create a constitutional monarchy and gradually turning power over to democratic institutions. Instead he abandoned the Shah creating a power vacuum that the mullahs filled. It wasn’t 6 months later that Hezbollah in Iran founded Hezbollah in Lebanon (Hezbollah is also the name of the party of Ayatollah Khomeini).
It sickens me that Democrats would play cynical party politics with the lives of Americans while there really is a global war going on. And it isn’t up to us to choose to fight. If we retire from the current battlefield, they will just follow us and create a new one. This is not a war of our choosing, they declared it, they killed Americans (more Democrats probably died at World Trade than Republicans, BTW, if the demographics there are the same as NYC in general) and they have vowed to continue killing Americans. We should pay attention to what they say, they are serious. We can not simply decide not to fight because THEY have chosen that THEY will fight notwithstanding any decision on our part to fight back.
“Their first goal is to isolate us from the rest of the international community and in many ways they have succeeded in that. It is very fashionable now to be anti-american, or better put, it is politically incorrect in many areas of the world to be pro-US regarding anything.”
I wonder if Bush’s botched war and destruction of Iraq based on WMD lies has anything to do with that?
“Iraq was relatively calm after the US invasion. It was almost a year later that Al Qaida started agitating in a big way. They stuck their noses in Iraq.”
Yeah, calm for a few days-and the insurgency was initially Baathist and independent Sunni homegrown secular nationalists who soon
after aligned with comparatively few foreign al Qaeda.
you are “absolutely am getting sick and tired of the short attention span and impatience of the average American. ”
Shorterbk …”I wish Americans all favored us continuing on as
world policeman and were prepared to fight all the enemies we
make in the process no matter what!”
Shorter Carol Herman:
Judaism is a modern sophisticated religion and Islam is a primitive
and barbaric superstition.
Shorter Crosspatch
America can play the Islamic world like a chessmaster if it chooses to;
why doesn’t it choose to?
Crosspatch, couldn’t possibly agree with you more. Democrats re-enforce tunnel vision to keep us from focusing on the big picture only for their political advantage. They do this by making a hugh deal out of inane little things like Mark Foley and “Makaka”. It is why I really do despise a lot of democrat politicians, not all of them, but a heck of a lot. I have a lot of democrat friends and love them dearly but they are sorely uniformed and willfully so. If you try to talk about politics to them, their eyes just glaze over. I wonder if one day we see a mushroom cloud over NY will they even realize how much they have contributed to that or will they first think who to lay the blame on. I’m bettin the later, because that’s just what kind of people they are. The big picture is what is important here, because if you don’t see that, you get mired in minutia. I started going overseas almost thirty years ago and I could see this coming. You just cant live in the sixth century in a increasing globalized modern civilization and not create substantial conflict. I do believe that we will eventually win out becuase the majority of people everywhere do really want peace and freedom no matter what the cheerleaders of terror like Ken think.
I see he’s chewed through his leather straps again.