Dec 29 2006
The Hanging Of Saddam Hussein
Major Update: It is done – good riddance Saddam. May you face in death the millions of people you brutally murdered over your pathetic lifetime. Some thoughts. Saddam’s passing will lift a cloud from Iraq and its new government and give the democratic government some serious street credibility. The liberal left has taken a huge hit if watching CNN and Alan Colmes on Fox is any indication. Colmes was obsessed with the idea Saddam would be a hero to some. I guess he just missed all the holocaust denials and those who, to this day, praise and pray for the return of Hitler and Stalin. Sad, but these pathetic humans do exist. And Peter Arnaut was on CNN claiming Saddam was senile and the only reason we took Iraq was his sons did not have his military genius. America is going to be watching the Democrats – and if the liberal media is any indication there is a good chance they will blow this. Saddam’s shadow was felt here in the US most of my life – and all of my adult life. His passing was also felt a half a world away here in the US. One can only imagine the power of the impact in Iraq.
Update: Keep an eye on the reporting from Iraq by Iraq The Model as event unfold with Saddam’s hanging. – end update
All I have to say on the matter is good riddence, and the world is a much better place. But I will explain why I have no pity for Hussein. He had no pity for anyone else. No one should forget how he came to power – as a murderous thug. His ascendecy over Iraq began with a staged-crafted purge of his political enemies:
He knew when to kill his enemies and when to compromise them. In the purge that followed Saddam’s final assumption of the presidency, for example, ranking members of government were arrested not in secrecy, but at public meetings. And then their colleagues — ministers and party leaders — were ordered to make up the firing squads. They were made part of the terror.
If you have ever seen the video of this act it is chilling to the bone. Purging his enemies was a special gift of Saddam’s. He started two major wars with Iran and Kuwait resulting in the deaths of millions. But his signature atrocity against humanity was the gassing of his own people. I find myself feeling less for this animal than I would an actual animal dying. The man was brutal, insane and dangerous. It was only a matter of time before he was able to obtain the WMDs he needed to ravage this world. While the lefties will defend Saddam as a saint before crediting Bush with removing one of history’s most evil figures, that just illustrates how deranged the left is in this country. They see Bush as worst than Saddam. Thankfully that warped view of reality is held only by a petty minority. Anyone who opines for Saddam is crazy or sick. The rape rooms and children’s torture chambers are closed, as are the mass graves of his victims. The world is a much better place now.
Update: The best I have seen on this matter in the Blogosphere is, not surprisingly, by Rick Moran. As usual he and I see things very much the same way. He just says it better.
America funded and assisted Saddam during most of his reign,even with anthrax against Iran. You will never find interventionist advocates like Strata confronting the issue and its implications.
Please stop whining Ken….take it like a man.
Saddam dies today.
And we fought the German Nazis with Stalin and Lenin…
So the US is no liberator, but ,indeed a meddler often worsening
the plight of these with whom meddled.
And Lenin was gone in 1924. Meaning you’re a typical American
non-genius on basic world history neverthless giving every American intervention a non-genius stamp of approval.
So you’d “take it like a man” if Saddam’s erstwhile collaborators
were similarly punished?
It is very peculiar that Ken cries and rends his garments on behalf of the Palestinians and other terrorists but does not have a kind word for our soldiers in the field. Oh, he wants them to come home but for what reason. To lose, of course. And that would definitely do it. He gets extremely angry that we are not leaving Iraq.
Why he has taken up the Palestinian cause is a puzzle also. We have given these people money for decades and what do they have to show for it. Arafat’s estate worth billions. His wife living in Paris in luxury while the Palestinian people live in squalor. But they picked their leader and so deserve their fate. After all, they picked a terrorist group for the government recently. How can a people still call their towns refugee camps after 60 years? This is ridiculous. And where is the aid from the other Arab countries? The only way they helped was to pay families of suicide bombers.
The only conclusion I can come to from all his rants about hatred of the Jews, Israel, the US government, the military, the US itself is that he is not an American and not an American Firster (he probably laughs every time he says he is). He comes right out and says he wants us to lose in Iraq. That we are meddlers in the ME. Both talking points of Alquaeda (I like this spelling, Ken). So he must either be a liberal or an Arab of one kind or another. Is there any real difference between these politically? Both groups call for the downfall of the US.
You need a little more education, dear -but why set yourself apart on this site?
Arafat was not the most popular leader among Palestinians for
about the last ten years of his life. Hamas’ popularity, and certainly when combined with Islamic Jihad outweighed his and both said exactly what you did about his corruption. Not that I take sides in another people’s disputes as you do and want America to keep doing.
And the money from the US was offset by the gargantuan sums heaped on their oppressor, assisting their continued oppression.
The only conclusion I can come to from all your defenses of the no-win Iraq policy even after experts have informed you of this impossibility, is that you want the US government to continue its ineffectual overseas meddling and troops to sacrifice life and limb to suit your stubborn fantasies.
is that you do n ot value
)addendum) ….is therefore you do not value their lives.
Life in Iraq was better under Saddam.
And it didn’t cost American taxpayers a dime, or American soldiers their lives.
Hear, hear.
Mind the door on your way out.
No thanks to liberals, many donks and some republicans. Thank you to our brave troops and those patriots that have lost their lives or been injured in Iraq! To the ONE PERSON WHOM MADE THIS POSSIBLE, GW THANK YOU!!! GW you had the courage and resolve to stand firm and Saddam has paid for his crimes.
To all you GW bashers here in the US, around the world and HERE whom are upset because your pet project has not been fulfilled, this would have never happened if not for the courage of GW! You all lose! Thank you GW, you win! Thank you American soldiers, you win!
Hear, hear, Roonent1!
one down and several to go. when the leaders of hamas, hezzbollah, al sadr, syria, iran and the sudan meet the same end i’ll praise allah!
This is almost too much good news to stand in one month. We apparently have the breakup of an espionage ring in Afghanistan with the arrest of an Afghan army general, a Pakistani, a British aide to a commander and the killing of a senior Taliban commander. In Iraq we have the capture of Iranians with a treasure trove of intelligence information, uncovering of huge arms caches, the capture of the kidnappers/murderers of two GIs, a toning down of al Sadr’s rhetoric and the capture of several high ranking terrorists. In Somalia, the end of the Islamic Courts, in the Philippines the killing of the senior terrorist, arrest and surrender of many more …
The past few weeks have simply been a flood of good news. Now the hanging of Saddam … there are now no more “Saddamists” in Iraq … so now the healing with the Sunnis can begin and more Sunnis that were formerly members of the Baath party can be assimilated into government service without worry that they will attempt to re-seat Saddam in some way.
Arafat was not the most popular leader among Palestinians for
about the last ten years of his life. Hamas’ popularity, and certainly when combined with Islamic Jihad outweighed his and both said exactly what you did about his corruption. Not that I take sides in another people’s disputes as you do and want America to keep doing.
But they kept electing him. He was their leader. If they didn’t like him they could have elected someone else. These people show and have always shown poor judgement. They Arafat in power despite his corruption and when he was gone they elected a terrorist group as their leaders. There is no hope for them.
And I will tell you why the other Arab states would not aid these people. They wanted to keep them in poverty and squalor as a rallying cry for the other Arabs against the Jews. In other words they used the Palestinian people.
This is a GREAT DAY!!! The middle eastern wacko nations have been wreaking havoc on the world for so many years. They have been at war since the recording of history and the only reason why nobody ever did anything about it is because they were afraid, we we afraid of getting involved in the nuthouse that is the middle east. It is one of the few places on earth where people refuse to join the 21st century, they rape young boys, cover their women, chop heads off of innocents and blow themselves up in a rage of delusional glory. And then they cover it with the micro thin veil of it all being in the name of god. Well for once, we had a man who said, “We are not taking this shit anymore! And he had the sack to do something about it. He stuck to his guns and for the first time, one of these fruitcake dictator murderous wackjobs had been executed, albeit with much more decency than any of the defenseless people this coward has killed. Thank you George W. Bush! I appreciate what you and our fine armed forces have done. From now on, the wackjobs in the middle east have to realize the rest of the world really is fed up with their crap. It’s a beginning.
Here’s a great article that explains a lot of why the middle east is so screwed up. It’s called “Boys of the Taliban” at
Hope it doesn’t stir up any bad memories for you Ken.
Hi all,
I’m not a left-winger, and I supported the invasion and the overthrow of Hussein, even if I have grave reservations about the way the war has been prosecuted (though it’s easy to be wise after the fact). I also still hope against hope that the brave allied troops will be successful in bringing stable democracy to Iraq. Nevertheless, I believe the execution of Saddam was wrong. I understand that Saddam was one of the most murderous dictators of the twentieth century. I understand that there was never going to be another outcome to his trial. I understand that millions of Iraqis who have suffered under this man will feel differently to me, and I am glad that they are now free of this scourge upon their nation. But I believe mercy, restraint and forgiveness are the appropriate Christian response, to even the most terrible of butchers like Saddam. Trial before an international court for crimes against humanity and indefinite incarceration would have been ideal, imo – no martyrdom, just long years of reflection and the chance (however remote) for true repentance. But hey, that’s just me, and I know my American friends feel otherwise.