Jan 13 2007

The Pathetic News Media Ignores Our Military’s Heroism

Published by at 11:02 am under All General Discussions

If the news media really cared about America and her heroes, if they really cared about the soldiers who must enforce the policies of this administration, they would honor them regularly with stories of their acts of bravery – and how they SURVIVED. Sydney Freeberg Jr, writing in the National Journal today (H/T RCP), notes that fact the media cannot muster the minimal effort to honor our men in women in harms way and have the occasional story of bravery and success – instead of their pathetic, morbid obsession with body bags (as opposed to addressing the gift of the sacrifice). The first story offered by Freeberg undescores the criminal negligence of our news media regarding our fellow citizens and their personal acts of bravery and honor which reflect well on all of us:

On February 21, 2005, before all of his unit had arrived in Iraq, Army Staff Sgt. Thomas Stone and his advance party of California National Guard soldiers stopped to help another group of soldiers after a Humvee accident in downtown Baghdad. Stone shepherded the other unit’s dazed troops into a proper security perimeter and called in a helicopter for the injured. But as the chopper landed, an insurgent detonated a hidden roadside bomb that shredded nine men. Stone ran back and forth, braving sniper fire, to grab first-aid supplies. Then, as a second medevac helicopter arrived and the survivors braced for another blast — a common tactic of Iraqi insurgents — Stone curled himself around a badly wounded friend, covering the soldier with his own body. “If it goes off, you’re going to be OK,” Stone told him. “Hug your wife and kids, and don’t ever forget me.”

There was no second explosion – but the sacrifice that was offered is one for the history books. This story relfects well on all mankind in how one selffless act is offered in the heat of the moment, with one simple request in return: live a good life yourself. Why is it the news media cannot spend even a fraction of the time they spend whining about this or that do something the should be a minimal part of their job – tell the story of Americans doing it right, doing it for others.

71 responses so far

71 Responses to “The Pathetic News Media Ignores Our Military’s Heroism”

  1. Carol_Herman says:

    Well, the south actually did think it was special enough to leave the Union. That’s a fact.

    And, when I said there wasn’t much in the way of “gains” following the Civil War years, that’s pretty much a fact, as well.

    “One Church in Beaumont, Texas” doesn’t quite cover the problems the south had; as it existed with a very laid back attitude to change.

    Electricity, however, finally did come on the heels of the Great Depression. Because it gave FDR the projects the government needed to put a lot of unemployed (distressed) men to work.

    Anyone who thinks Grant was alive in 1961 is an idiot.

    That I typed this and hit the submit button, true. But I had the ending year correct: 1865. And, it’s pretty easy to clean up on typo’s. We’re not paid to do this as “work.”

    And, I’ll pick up an error in typing only if I bother to re-read what I write. Most of the time I just don’t. Typos are the finger errors of speech. Want “accuracy?” Read a newspaper.

    As to the E. Howard Hunt comment, I just read the headline. I didn’t persue it. Since I no longer care. (I do know that Gerald Ford was a member of the Warren Commission report. Just as I know Mort Sahl, having read all ten volumes, used to go on stage. And, did his comedy routine just reading out loud. Straight from the source of this “official-dumb” wonder. You know a lot of time has passed since 1963. When Kennedy was murdered in broad daylight; because no one mentioned Gerald Ford’s hurculean work, lifting the “one bullet theory” into the white wash done to Kennedy’s death.) It’s a shame when you can’t get to published truth.

    But it’s typical. I also remember that part of the “conspiracy stuff” that flew around “back then,” had LBJ ducking under the dashboard before his car reached Dealey Plaza. (I wasn’t there. So all I know is what I’ve read.) And, the picture of JFK’s car seeming to “stop” so that a panicked Jackie crawled out to get away by leaping on the hood. And, only then did the car move forward, with agents pushing her back in. (Well, we may never have gotten the “official truth” … but the pictures of that day speak volumes.) That our government doesn’t want to share secrets? You’re surprised? Nixon lost his job, though, when people didn’t connect what they were hearing; with what they thought he was doing. Now? The parts that matter are the parts the elites are trying to replay. But I don’t think they’re finding a market.

    By the way, populations FLOW. And, the south, today, is not the same place it was when growth wasn’t all that attractive to the locals. And, in today’s south? Heck, you can find multi-national companies. Just as you can in Ireland. Another country that looked dead for awhile. Where the brain drain from the potato-famine left it as a backwater. Today? It’s the European’s haven from taxation. And, Ireland’s grown beyond the warring factions of protestants and catholics.

    Sometimes things change for the better.

    And, sometimes lots of people still remain clued-out.

  2. Carol_Herman says:

    Waving about the names of our first presidents overlooks that Andrew Jackson was the FIRST MAN OF THE PEOPLE. In other words?

    Those old aristocrats thought of themselves as the movers and chasers.

    Later? The Chase Manhattan Bank would occupy the GOP. So they’d select an empty suit like Warren Harding. Which led to the Democratic RENAISSANCE.

    Free people always get smacked around by socialistic ideals. So there’s no surprises left when it comes to the “process” used in choosing leadership.

    And, our best presidents show themselves as best WHILE THEY ARE DOING THEIR JOBS. You really can’t proof this one, the way you can proof yeast.

    For those who don’t know what I mean by “MAN OF THE PEOPLE,” Andrew Jackson was not “refined through birth rights, to have attended the schools, and been in the company” of the men who thought they’d run the show.

    And, yes, folks. Slavery was an eyesore.

    The other thing to notice? If you’ve heard of Thomas Paine, he came to America in 1775. And, he wrote, without using fancy language, COMMON SENSE.

    Yet, after 1776 we went through about a decade of mismanagement, where the states couldn’t coordinate anything together. And, that Congress that produced the Constitution? They met in SECRET. And, they made “deals.”

    Slavery was just one of those sloppy deals that needed correction.

    Bush, today, is also involved in changing the course of the Mideast. Not an easy job. But where a bunch of rich white folks decided they wanted to “run things.” And, they put stooges into “kingdoms” that had NOT existed on the map. But got drawn in. And, like slavery; have run into big time problems.

    What you could learn from history? Gee. If the southerners didn’t throw the fit they did when Lincoln got elected president, we would not have had the guts to knock down slavery! Which remains the eyesore it was. No excuses.

    And, the Mideast? Doesn’t have to be owned by the genetic offspring of the defects chosen out of the House of Saud.

    Good that Bush claims to be from Texas! About time we kicked some ass. About time the elites got their clocks cleaned out.

    But it won’t be overnight. And, it won’t get recognized for the fight it is, until it’s a long time over.

  3. For Enforcement says:

    Carol H. now, now, admitting you’re an idiot doesn’t help

    Anyone who thinks Grant was alive in 1961 is an idiot.

    You want me to cut and paste from your post for you?

    Jackie crawled out to get away by leaping on the hood.
    That’s not true. Do you ever check anything?
    It was the trunk and she was retrieving part of JFK’s head. not getting away. Geez.

    And, sometimes lots of people still remain clued-out.
    There you go, looking in the mirror again.

    What chapped your ass about the south? Tell us all what’s so great about where you live. Do you have an indoor toilet yet?

  4. Carol_Herman says:

    E. Howard Hunt. Check Amazon. Coming in May. A new book about his secret CIA past. Including a book cover reference that Buckley has written the forward.

    No. I didn’t follow Drudge’s link. By now I’d guess I saw it Saturday. It was on Drudge’s right hand column. He doesn’t leave things up there all that long.

    The other thing worth mentioning is that America started with bumps in the road. The first decade? The states couldn’t make it work. So, around 1789 there was a SECRET Convention, at which time the Constitution was written.

    And, unfortunately, slavery was embedded.

    If any of you have followed the Lincoln Douglass debates; or heard of the Dred Scott Decision; you’d know about the flubs that came along, where it seemed the “wise guys” were gonna inflict slavery across the board.

    And, then? When Lincoln was elected the southerners “walked out.” It wasn’t something “new,” either. Southerners were always throwing fits like that. But Lincoln was surprised when their “walk out” lasted more than 3 days.

    You could look at the Mideast, today, and see things that appear similar. In that a few white guys (following 1918), went into the Saudi Arabian desert, and “elected” a stinking Bedoin tribesman to become the new stock for Mideast puppets. Sometimes, these dudes think they just have to strong arm their ways to success.

    But history, over time, tells the stories, better.

    Will E. Howard Hunt, in May add to anything we currently know about the CIA? Couldn’t tell ya.

    Why did I check Amazon? Because I knew I saw Drudge’s lead. And, I knew a few finger taps could get me some current information.

  5. For Enforcement says:

    Carol, the US Constitution was accepted in 1787, before that secret convention. Another typo I guess.

    Can’t find slavery mentioned in the Constitution.

    Read all about E. Howard Hunt’s CIA past back in the 80’s, he wasn’t involved in the JFK assass except to assist the CIA in the coverup. He wasn’t in on any of the planning.

    Carol, every once in a while you write something that sounds like you at least have a little bit of brains. But that is getting further and further apart, almost as if you’re losing your memory or getting senile. If that’s what it is let us know and we’ll just overlook your rambling meandering where you only want to impress everyone with your deep and insightful knowledge of every thing in the world.

    If you don’t like what I wrote, just overlook it, a typo.
    We all make them.

  6. For Enforcement says:

    What is the vendetta you have for the south. You ever been in the South? Some southern states have begun to get paved roads, so if you planned a trip carefully you could avoid most dirt roads. No need to bring a cell phone, unlike China we don’t have the satellites up to operate those yet. hehehe. But we’re hoping to soon. Some places are starting to put up cell towers tho, understand they may work as well as China’s cell phone satellites. Wish Clinton had gotten that technology to the south back when he gave it to China.
    Sounds like you’ve read a lot of History, too bad you didn’t retain very much.

  7. Carol_Herman says:

    Where do you even begin?

    I’m sure the south has lunatic assylums as well.

    As to the US Constitution, it wasn’t a “slam dunk.” There was a decade of states’ mismanagement. And, Blacks, unfortunately, were counted as 3/5th towards the south’s definitions used in property rights ownership.

    As to “being down” on southerners, that’s not quite the inference to make. Unless you’re nuts. In which case there’s no debate going on here, at all.

    Wonder if there’s any medications in that “hat” from which you just pulled out “Clinton.”

    And, ya know what? Enforcement ain’t da judge!

    I’ve noticed that sometimes, on some sites, links get hijacked.

    But Terrye seems to have fallen off; and we’re just left with the musings, now, of Enforcement. What can ya do?

    America’s a big, big country. And, sometimes things work better when the nuts are ignored. Heck, I’m not allergic to them. Like them on my sundaes.

    But as mavens? You want this crap to pass as maven-dreck? Go ahead. Its okay by me.

  8. For Enforcement says:

    It’s senility for sure.

  9. ivehadit says:

    I wish someone who has really, really long posts had taken punctuation and grammer in school… up north.

    Proper punctuation and grammer are part of writing…in english…for a reason.

  10. Carol_Herman says:

    Some people sure get their underwear up their crotches in knots; thinking life is just one big test. When it isn’t.

    Besides, I was never “tested” on typing. Always had pencils. Which don’t work on this here net “thang” at all.

    As to the collection of bullies, I count about four or five. It seems its some sort of “warfare” cooked up in an insane assylum, where the inmates are given access to computers. Nothing else explains the propensity to go out on limbs and attack others. Who are NOT UNDER THOSE TREES! But keep on flying, monkeys. Oh. And, keep on putting stuff up on Wikipedia. Just what the ocean gets, too, when you flush.

    On the other hand? This must prove some sort of entertainment. And, the bullies can do it by noticing “lengths” of posts. My what unbelievable BS they fling.

  11. For Enforcement says:

    Senility drugs didn’t last long, totally incoherent.