Archive for the 'Guest Bloggers' Category

Mar 06 2007

Giuliani at CPAC

On Friday, Giuliani spoke at CPAC and gave a semi-campaign speech. He mentioned that Congress is elected to make decisions, not to commentate. We have commentators in the media, we don’t need more. He stated that the next president needs to get Congress back to making decisions. He did not follow that by saying that […]

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Mar 06 2007

Ronald Reagan as Rick?

The New York Daily News has an interesting article on movie casting as part of today’s installment from Rush & Milloy. As someone who has a somewhat extensive DVD collection, I can appreciate the efforts a casting director puts into their work. Certainly, CSI does very well, largely due to the superb work that William […]

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Mar 06 2007

Captain’s Quarters on civility…

Over at Captain’s Quarters, there is a discussion of civility. On the previous thread is what appears to be his response to Ann Coulter’s comments. It’s a good post, but the comments at the second link are instructive as well. They are part of the reason that Republicans got spanked in the 2006 mid-terms. Conservatives […]

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Mar 05 2007

Imagining a Covert Agent

Published by under Guest Bloggers,Plame Game

As the trial of Scooter Libby nears its end, the pundits on each side of the case have been fighting about one fundamental issue: was Plame a covert agent when Novak published her CIA credentials? Larry Johnson says yes, Victoria Toensig says no. I’ll admit up front that I am biased against Mr. Johnson, and […]

62 responses so far

Mar 05 2007

Check out Flopping Aces…

A while back, Flopping Aces published some great cartoons about the Democrats’ idea of supporting the troops. A post from last night has some more good ones that just say it better than thousands of words. Go over and check it out.

12 responses so far

Mar 04 2007

Can’t blame Obama…

I don’t like pedophiles, and this is just one more reason why. In this case, it was a website of pedophiles gawking over the children and grandchildren of the various candidates for President. Family is one of those things that should be out of bounds in politics. I don’t care if it’s Mary Cheney and […]

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Mar 04 2007

Head of Islamic State of Iraq possibly captured.

The news isn’t confirmed yet but according to this article at Monsters and Critics Tikrit – A suspected leader of the group Islamic State in Iraq, which has ties to the al-Qaeda terrorist network, was detained in northern Iraq on Sunday, Iraqi security forces reported. Muharib Mohammed Abdullah, aka Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, was arrested in […]

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Mar 04 2007

Seixon Signing In

Published by under Guest Bloggers

Hello all! I’ve been given the privilege of guest blogging here in AJ’s absence, and I hope to make the most of it. Some of you may be familiar with my work, until March 1 of this year I maintained a blog at, most famous for exposing the lies of George Galloway, refutations of […]

9 responses so far

Mar 04 2007

Solar System Warming?

Global warming on Neptune’s moon Triton as well as Jupiter and Pluto, and now Mars has some scratching their heads over what could possibly be in common with the warming of all these planets. In the meantime, some have noticed an interesting relationship between solar activity and temperature proxies via ice cores going back thousands […]

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Mar 04 2007


I’m Harold Hutchison. Regularly, I blog at Called as Seen, but I also have contributed to, a website covering military matters, among which is the war on terror. I hope to do a good job with this, and add to a very good blog that AJ has created.

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