Archive for the '2010 Elections' Category

Aug 18 2010

Call Us Bigots In August, But Beg For Our Votes In November

Alternate Title: Mosque Madness The vast Political Industrial Complex (PIC) on the left has gone stark raving mad. The latest sign of madness comes over the self proclaimed Ground Zero Mosque (GZM). The location of the GZM is integral to the developer’s plans, as is the now notorious debate on which is the more American […]

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Aug 14 2010

Political Elites Attempt Snubbing The New, All-American Candidates

What makes a good modern day politician? In my mind it is someone who lies really well on camera. Which is probably why Hollywood and Politics get along so well. Acting, after all, is pretending to be someone you are not in a very convincing manner (special effects don’t hurt). Politicians and their handlers try […]

16 responses so far

Aug 13 2010

How Has Obama Failed? The Telegraph Counts The Ways

A must read from across the pond on all the factors that are creating a perfect fire storm of backlash. A small sample of the 10 reasons November will be a historic retribution on Barack Obama and the Dems: 3. Obama fails to inspire In contrast to the soaring rhetoric of his 2004 Convention speech […]

7 responses so far

Aug 13 2010

“Because We Haven’t”

Updates Below! When you promise the gullible you can turn them all into TV-Land princes and princesses, and that world-wide Nirvana is one election away, you should expect a serious backlash when your facade of infinite wisdom and power comes crashing down to expose the experienced and impotent human being behind the curtain. I have […]

3 responses so far

Aug 11 2010

CO Senate: Dem “Winner” Loses To Both GOP Contenders

Addendum below! Who will get the most votes in November? The party that gets the most voters to the polls. And if Colorado’s US Senate Primary is any indicator then the GOP is going to really be cruising to a crushing landslide in 2010. That’s because the Democrat primary winner took fewer votes than the […]

10 responses so far

Aug 08 2010

The Inflated Polls Of August

Update: It seems the Washington Post is seeing the same change in the public mood that I outlined below, and came to the same basic conclusion: But when the shouting dies down, it becomes possible to hear something else, something Democrats know is an even greater threat to them this fall. With polls consistently showing […]

13 responses so far

Aug 04 2010

Obamacare Rejected

The state of Missouri is one of those excellent bell-weather purplish states. It rejects far left and far right politicians and has sent members of both parties to DC. Therefore the state is an excellent barometer for middle America and the average voter. If this latest vote on Obamacare in Missouri is not a solid […]

19 responses so far

Jul 30 2010

Citizens Target Fat Cat Bureaucrats

Option title: Greed & Graft at the Public Trough. I found the above image on a UK blog (click through to read) commenting on the number of UK bureaucrats making more than the Prime Minister. The numbers are all embarrassingly low compared to the $800,000 a year one city manager was making in a poor […]

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Jul 29 2010

“Remember Arizona!”

In World War II the rallying cry was “Remember the Arizona”- to recall the attack on Pearl Harbor and unite in fighting for the survival of the nation and its unique constitutional form of government. It is ironic how the cycle of human history can evolve around something so innocuous as a name. In 2010, […]

20 responses so far

Jul 28 2010

55 Dem House Seats In Trouble

As they say: “Follow the money” The Dems can claim all day long they will win in November, but that is just propaganda-speak for the gullible.  Just last week the Dems purchased $28 million in ad buys for 40 endangered D-congress-critters, ranging from freshmen to committee chairmen. That purchase represented 82% of their congressional war […]

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