Archive for the '2010 Elections' Category

Jul 14 2010

The Socialist Meme Sticks

Liberals, progressives, fantasy peddlers … whatever you want to call today’s DC Democrats the ‘socialist’ meme is beginning to stick and stick hard. Socialists, as their name implies, love to tell everyone else how to live their lives. The left forgot America is not progressive or liberal by nature, and so when the DC Democrats […]

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Jul 07 2010

President Obama Is Not A Political Wunderkid

In these days of super-slick media packaging it is too easy to hide the true essence of a person running for office. As the Democrats are now fond of admitting openly, you have to elect us (and pass our laws) before you know what you will get. Anyone remember the roman columns as “The One” […]

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Jul 06 2010

Anti-Government Tsunami Heading For Big-Government Party

This is not the year to be pro government. That is the same as being pro screw-up or pro incompetence. Who cheers for the losers who rant about how great they are and then produce disaster after disaster? And as the economic suffering continues to expand (it is now lapping at our door step too) […]

16 responses so far

Jun 28 2010

RIP Senator Byrd

While I did not agree with Senator Byrd on a lot of things, you have to admire the man for his tenacity and his understanding of the Senate rules (and his occasional twisting of them).  Mitch McConnell actually said it well of Byrd: The Senate Republican leader, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, said Byrd “combined a […]

14 responses so far

Jun 15 2010

Writing On The Wall For Dems This Fall

Democrats, you folks screwed up. You went too far left, you focused on the wrong issues (you may recall people need good jobs or everything else goes to crap). You forced an unwanted and costly take over of health care. And you will pay at the polls this year, so says liberal NPR and Democrat pollster […]

16 responses so far

Jun 05 2010

The Fringe Right Raises Its Ugly Head, Makes Me A Proud Independent

Conservatism must remain main stream and embrace the center of this nation if it is to survive. Otherwise it will go into madness like the liberals and progressives did during the first two years of the Obama administration. Sadly, a South Carolina primary election has proven once and for all why the survival of America […]

17 responses so far

May 25 2010

The Unforgivable Actions Of President Obama

How many good people have fought and died for this country? How many bodies have been torn asunder and permanently scarred fighting for this great republic? What other group of Americans has sacrificed so much for the rest of us than our military? President Obama is going to go down in history as one of […]

13 responses so far

May 25 2010

Insipid Arrogance Abounds In Today’s Politics

It has become very tough to blog these last few weeks as two forces of arrogance collide in our political national theatre. The one which is most troubling is the group who which has to be deemed as the better of two lousy choices. This group is the far right. You can identify them as […]

35 responses so far

May 19 2010

Chris Mathews Roasts Connecticut AG Blumenthal

You know, as a premier Democrat candidate, that you have really stepped in a smoking pile when Chris Mathews comes out and tells the entire world your not worth wasting a vote on: As I said before, Blumenthal has destroyed himself both through the years of misrepresenting his Vietnam experience, the years of not correcting […]

16 responses so far

May 18 2010

Critz Burns Burns in PA-12 – But Dem Voters Switched To GOP

The one election I hoped would be the exclamation point on this year’s election fell short. This is not going to be a sure thing for November, but the tsunami rising against the Dems is not as high as one would hope. With 74% of the precincts reporting Critz is over Burns by 54% to […]

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