Archive for the '2010 Elections' Category

Mar 30 2010

Obamacare Begins With Little Support, All Downhill From Here

One thing this liberal administration and congress know how too do real well is over promise and then fail to produce.  Everything they claim has the ring of a shady used car salesman promising luxury, power and head turning respect – then you pay the exorbitant price and get an embarrassing clunker instead. That was […]

7 responses so far

Mar 28 2010

Obama Administration “Focused Like A Laser” On Absolute Nonsense

One of the primary tell-tale signs that liberals are just not mentally capable of dealing in the real world is their fascination and distraction with silly feel-good ideas. In order to convince themselves they are as relevant as the real movers and shakers in the world (a group of which I am not a member) […]

19 responses so far

Mar 26 2010

Obamacare For Idiots

This excellent parable nails the bait and switch of Obamacare for our current health care brilliantly. All you need to know about what just happened is explained by way of the analogy of accessing entertainment via cable, etc. Some excerpts: The cable company, BFD Communications, produces an incredibly complicated plan for providing cable television service […]

18 responses so far

Mar 25 2010

Americans Turn On Big Government DC & Democrats

CBS has a stunning poll out which underscores my previous post on the growing backlash and threats of violence against Democrats. It seems America is beginning to channel their anger towards their champions in this clash of civilizations were are now experiencing inside America (click to enlarge). Check out those numbers! 62%, nearly two thirds […]

16 responses so far

Mar 25 2010

Threats Are Wrong, But Why The Shock At The Backlash?

Threats of violence against Democrats and liberals is wrong (threats to retire them come November are just fine). Threats against their families is just sick. All are criminal acts. But no Democrat who pushed the take over of America’s health care should be surprised at the intensity of the backlash now rising (it is by […]

11 responses so far

Mar 24 2010

Controlling The Masses Through The IRS

OK, now that the liberals have tipped their hand everyone can step back and assess this first step in remaking America. What we saw was bribes and kickbacks using taxpayer money to get this reeking carcass across the finish line. Exemptions for some states, exemptions for special interests (unions), forced purchasing of products (which is […]

21 responses so far

Mar 23 2010

Health Care Bill Small Business Killer

We have a small, fledgling business which struggles to stay afloat in these horrible economic times and under the brutal overhead requirements of government contracting. One thing I keep reading the ignoramuses in the White House claiming is the GOP will have a tough time convincing small business to repeal and replace Obama care: But, […]

36 responses so far

Mar 22 2010

At The Precipice

The House Democrats pulled off their miracle yesterday – though it was more corruption and misleading fig leaves than the coming of a brave new world. Mark Steyn said it best – Happy Dependence Day. Next test is in the Senate where all sorts of problems might arise, or might not. Right now I am […]

28 responses so far

Mar 21 2010

Obama & Dems Already Damaged Goods – Get On With The Vote

Heard a lot of nonsense and obfuscating from the Dems all morning. The worst was pretending the details don’t count, or the costs don’t count, or the Americans want this… The denial was puke-worthy. But the worst of it was the question of which path would damage Obama and the Dems! Earth to liberals – […]

19 responses so far

Mar 21 2010

Tea Party Radicals Destroy Movement’s Credibility

I went to the Tea Party protest last summer on the Mall. It was peaceful, festival-like gathering that welcomed the all generations of the American family. It had countless signs of outrage, but the mood of the people was respectful and energized. I have no idea about the protest yesterday, I had intended to go […]

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