Archive for the '2010 Elections' Category

Oct 21 2009

Has Obama Released The African American Vote From The Democrat’s Hold?

There is a truly intriguing poll out today in the VA Governor’s race, with some stunning internals when it comes to the African American vote split between the two parties: The latest SurveyUSA poll showing Virginia Republican gubernatorial nominee Bob McDonnell with a 19% lead over Democrat Creigh Deeds (which would be the biggest win for […]

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Oct 21 2009

The Obama Slide Continuing

I am sure team Obama and his cronies will think of something to run through the news media (like another Nobel Prize) to try and lift Obama’s sagging support, but I think they are coming to the end of their bag of tricks. Its still the economy, stupid. As Ace and Ed Morrissey note, Obama […]

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Oct 19 2009

Team Obama Losing The Fox Wars

One thing Americans universally despise is the Political Industrial Complex – those knattering know-it-alls who are the politicians, lobbyists and their media cronies who think God placed them on this Earth to tell the rest of us how to live our lives. We are fed up with these arrogant know-nothings. We are fed up with […]

8 responses so far

Oct 16 2009

President’s & Congress’ Poll Numbers Collapsing

There is a stunner of a poll out today from Fox News (story here, poll here). It shows some very bad numbers for our young President and the Democrats in Congress. Check out this data (click to enlarge): With Republicans Obama went from an approve-disapprove differential of -34% (28/62) in early June to a -71% […]

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Oct 09 2009

Virginia Is Going Back To Reddish Purple

Virginia is an interesting state to say the least – and my home state, being one of those rarest of rare: a NOVA (Northern Virginia) native. It has enormous ties to ‘fly over’ America. It has a conservative core that is right of center in its center of mass. But it also exists right outside […]

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Oct 08 2009

Spend $100 dollars to save $10?

The silly news out of DC on the cost of the senate health insurance reform reminds me of an old Gallagher line about how is wife spent thousands of dollars each week shopping all the sales. His line went something like: “We have nothing in the bank, but we’re ahead by millions!” The media arm […]

17 responses so far

Oct 07 2009

Unemployment Worse Than Being Reported By News Media

[Optional Subtitle: Obama’s 1 Million ‘Saved’ Jobs Discovered? Below I think we have found Obama’s mythical 1 million ‘saved’ jobs. They are a statistical ‘adjustment’ made to the unemployment data by bureaucrats that add tens of thousands of phantom jobs to the unemployment data each month] The unemployment numbers that came out for September were […]

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Oct 01 2009

Sarah Palin’s First Misstep? Doubtful

The news is spreading that Governor Palin’s ghostwriter for her up and coming book is a far right wing evangelical. Which means there is a good chance Lynn Vincent is just like 70% of Main Stream America – who are the antithesis of the elites who make up the Political Industrial Complex that has been […]

7 responses so far

Sep 28 2009

Public Rejecting Obamacare, Will Reject Democrats

No one can argue that the liberal left is limited in imagination. The ideas and myths they conjure up border on the insane. From believing Bush and Cheney were listening in on their lame ramblings, to the Chicken Little cries of doom over global warming after a decade of global cooling, they have some created […]

28 responses so far

Sep 27 2009

President Obama And Congressional Liberals Get An ‘F-‘ On Economy

The bad economic news keeps rolling in this weekend as we learn a generation of young people may have permanent scars as a result of the failed liberal stimulus bill and its moronic reliance on government jobs programs to lift this nation out of the Great Recession: The unemployment rate for young Americans has exploded […]

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