Archive for the '2010 Elections' Category

Sep 12 2009

Washington DC Tea Party 9/12/2009

(Note: All images can be viewed full sized by clicking image) Update: I should have explained my rationale for assessing the Obama inauguration to the 9/12/09 Tea Party. The Inauguration took up more square footage on the mall, but the demonstration was not packed into seats but crammed in and hanging on top of everything […]

35 responses so far

Sep 10 2009

Who Won The Debate On Obamacare Last Night?

As we wake up this morning after President Obama’s last ditch effort to salvage his health care overhaul initiative, we have three entities arising as figureheads of the debate. The first is, of course, President Obama and his liberal DC congressional leaders. The second is the GOP and their very concise and respectable response (one […]

34 responses so far

Sep 09 2009

If Paglia Is A Typical Obama Voter …

If Camille Paglia is a typical, left-of-center Obama voter then the Democrats are in for a world of hurt over the next to election cycles: As an Obama supporter and contributor, I am outraged at the slowness with which the standing army of Democratic consultants and commentators publicly expressed discontent with the administration’s strategic missteps […]

9 responses so far

Sep 07 2009

Far Left Going Mad Over Van Jones, Imploding From Slap From Reality

Americans don’t support progressive or socialistic or liberal policies. End of fact. As long as this eludes the left they will continue to sink in the polls and doom the Democrats to political suicide in 2010. Americans know there are endless ways to protect the environment, provide health care, educate the children, care for the […]

26 responses so far

Sep 06 2009

Reality Strikes Back! Coming November 2010

Reality is making a major comeback in DC this fall. I have to say this observation by Matthew Continetti seems to best sum up the 2010 election year that is ahead: The political class is supposed to serve the people, not the other way around. As Gerald Ford said after assuming the presidency on August […]

13 responses so far

Sep 06 2009

Obama’s Credibility Problem And The Electronic American Soul

Unemployment. It was the first issue the liberal Democrats in DC claimed they had answers for, and they even mapped out their plan for success in taming our beaten economy using government spending programs. To see why the Democrats are not credible takes only one simple, powerful picture: Click to enlarge. That dark blue line […]

15 responses so far

Sep 02 2009

The Bad News Keeps Coming

Major Update Below! I could never understand why Democrats loved the Clintons after they completely decimated the Democrats’ political hold on power in DC. Clinton went into DC with huge majorities in Congress (as did Obama) and by the first midterm had created such a backlash in the country that the Democrats were run out […]

12 responses so far

Sep 01 2009


CNN came out with a truly crushing poll for Obama and the Democrats in Congress. As I noted in an earlier post, the 1994 Congressional drubbing the Dems took over Hillarycare is nothing compared to what they will reap over Obamacare and Obamanomics in 2010. The one thing that probably cushioned Bill Clinton’s from an […]

4 responses so far

Sep 01 2009

The Rejection Of President Obama

I have to admit, while I opposed him in the election I had hoped my concerns over President Obama’s inexperience and far left tendencies would not be a major handicap for the man. Sadly, I was right – the President’s naive team has pretty much wasted all his political capitol and he and the Democrats […]

2 responses so far

Aug 22 2009

David Axlerod Is An Idiot

After 8 years of President Bush and the angry conservatives change was happening. The Congress had fallen to the Dems and even the GOP primary had the nation moving away from the right. It wasn’t a question of whether the Democrats had a shot at the Presidency, it was more of who would win. So […]

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