Archive for the 'Iraq' Category

Apr 07 2008

Maliki And US Go After Sadr’s Thugs

The news out of Iraq is very promising. The Iraq government sees the al-Qaeda threat so diminished it has decided to finally clean out the militias and control Iraq, especially Moqtada al-Sadr’s Mahdi Militia. And Maliki has the backing of the various factions inside the government and the other Shia sects, effectively isolating Sadr and […]

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Apr 06 2008

Moqtada al-Sadr Isolated In Iraq, Some Fear US Will Teach Iran A Lesson

Major Update: I note in the post below from this morning how Iraqis have decided to side with Prime Minister Maliki and authorize the government to dismantle radical cleric Moqtada al-Sadr’s militias. I proposed one reason this was happening was due to the heavy hand of Iran and its role in giving Sadr support and […]

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Apr 06 2008

Iraqi Forces Rescue 42 Kidnapped Students In Northern Iraq

To illustrate the declining capability of terrorists in Iraq one only need look at how fast Iraqi forces were able to respond to the kidnapping of students in Northern Iraq in what was believed to be another cowardly act by al-Qaeda forces there: Iraq’s security forces freed a group of 42 male university students, who […]

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Apr 05 2008

Updates On The War On Terror 04_05_08

Lots of news on the war on terror – good news actually. First off, when contemplating the Surrendercrats panic attacks over Iraq and their suicidal calls to retreat as fast as possible it is good to see what we are supposedly retreating from. At the moment the retreat would be in the face of scary […]

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Apr 04 2008

Why Do European al-Qaeda Terrorists Travel Via Iran To Pakistan?

If Iran is not supporting al-Qaeda efforts why is it so many terrorists in Europe use Tehran as their transit point between Europe and the training facilities and gathering forces of al-Qaeda inside Pakistan? On April 1, the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) on April 1 notified leaders of Germany’s military, the United Nations and […]

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Apr 04 2008

New NIE On Iraq Very Positive

A new National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) is out on Iraq and it shows a lot of progress in Iraq A new classified intelligence assessment on Iraq says there has been significant progress in security since the last assessment was delivered in August, a senior military official said. In most ways the new National Intelligence Estimate […]

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Apr 03 2008

Updates On The War On Terror 04_03_08

Contrary to the hand-wringing an impatience on the left, hard won progress is being made and once intractable problems are being worked, if one reads outside the blabber of the SurrenderMedia. For example, the problem of bringing security to the lawless regions of Pakistan are being discussed as Pakistan and the regional tribal leaders try […]

7 responses so far

Apr 03 2008

If Democrats Retreat From Iraq, al-Qaeda Promises To Attack Isreal

It is time once again to point out how ludicrous and short-sighted the liberal left is when it comes to Iraq and their ‘surrender at all costs’ approach to the war effort there. And this time we have the assistance of Ayman al-Zawahiri, al-Qaeda’s number two, who lays out al-Qaeda’s intentions if the Democrats implement […]

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Apr 03 2008

Zawahiri Admits To al-Qaeda’s War On Islam

al-Qaeda’s number two leader Ayman al-Zawahiri has admitted publicly that al-Qaeda is at war with Islam and has no regrets for all the Muslims the group has been killing, torturing and maiming: Al-Qaeda’s deputy leader Ayman al- Zawahiri defended insurgent attacks in Iraq, Algeria and Morocco that killed Muslims and blamed the West for using […]

22 responses so far

Apr 02 2008

Violence Still Down In Iraq

Trends and averages. Very important concepts in understanding reality and the world. For example, you could have 3,000 souls lost on one day in September to terrorists and claim we are losing 3,000 lives a day in the war on terror, or you can average that number of the year to discover the rate of […]

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