Archive for the 'Iraq' Category

Apr 01 2008

If Sadr Won, Where Is The Dancing And Cheering In The Streets?

So many armchair experts (or propaganda artists in the fashion of Nazi Joseph Goebbels) have been claiming al-Sadr’s capitulation in the fighting in Iraq was a blow to Maliki. Strange logic there, but one indication of a Sadr win would be dancing in the streets of Basra and Sadr City in Baghdad. Where is it? […]

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Mar 31 2008

Shiite Radical Cleric Moqtada al-Sadr Commanding Insurgents From Iran

Those too naive to understand how Iran is attempting to destabilize Iraq’s democracy need to look no farther than where the radical Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr is directing the Mahdi Militia’s from as they fight the Iraq government forces, which are backed up by US and UK forces: The Shiite cleric Moktada al-Sadr on Sunday […]

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Mar 30 2008

Moqtada al-Sadr Surrenders

Radical Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr has called off his militia in southern Iraq and submitted his terms for his forces to stop fighting (terms for their surrender): Iraqi Shia cleric Moqtada Sadr has ordered his fighters off the streets of Basra and other cities in an effort to end clashes with security forces. He said […]

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Mar 28 2008

Taking Out The Islamo Fascists

The move in Iraq to take out the Shiite Militias is an interesting development. On the one hand President Bush is correct that the destruction of al-Qaeda as a force in Iraq has given Maliki’s government to move onto the next problem – the Shiite Militia’s under Moqtada Sadr’s control. If successful Iraq will have […]

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Mar 26 2008

Saddam’s Surrendercrat Puppets In Congress, Working For The Enemy

Many of us conservatives still supporting the war efforts in Iraq and this President overall (which makes not ‘true conservatives’ of course) have many times stated the liberal democrats undermine our war efforts and do more for our enemies than for our nation, or for our troops fighting to protect our nation. I have said […]

19 responses so far

Mar 26 2008

Saddam Targeted America Using Terrorist

Just a year after 9-11 and the nation looks around the world to see where the next ones will be coming from. We had taken the save haven in Afghanistan away from al-Qaeda and the Taliban, but that was not enough to end the threat (only liberals are naive enough to buy that fantasy). As […]

38 responses so far

Mar 26 2008

Precision Without Purpose Leads To Confusion

I have worked on Federal programs most of my life. And while the people in the federal government are nice, normal people just like the rest of us – the environment of government creates bad habits. We all know it burns out creativity and initiative (which are punished for being disruptive and disrespectful of others) […]

25 responses so far

Mar 25 2008

Bin Laden’s Latest Rant

It is worth reading and pondering Bin Laden’s words to understand where we are at in the war on terror. Don’t expect the lazy SurrenderMedia to do the work it takes to actually comprehend a story or issue – they don’t have the intellectual curiosity to delve into things deeply. Heck, they snatch one line […]

9 responses so far

Mar 24 2008

Updates On The War On Terror 03_24_08

A few updates from the war on terror. Seems allied forces have been busy over the weekend. In Iraq a large number of terrorists have been killed, and nearly twice that number have been killed in Afghanistan. Strangely (or maybe not), the liberal media is all upset that our systemic killing of Taliban commanders is […]

63 responses so far

Mar 22 2008

The Path To Success In Iraq Is Clear – Patience

The path to success in Iraq has become crystal clear: patience. Al-Qaeda is being beaten and purged from the battlefield they claimed was the most important battle for their cause. They are losing respect in the Muslim community due to their atrocities against that community. AQ is losing standing, support, recruits. They are losing badly. […]

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