Archive for the 'Iraq' Category

Mar 17 2008

Islam, Disillusioned With al-Qaeda’s Killing Of Muslims, Turns On al-Qaeda

I said many times last year the wave of Islamic rejection against al-Qaeda that began in Iraq would poor out across the Muslim world as stories of al-Qaeda’s bloody carnage played out in the Muslim street. When Iraq’s Sunnis turned on al-Qaeda it was a huge shift that was hard to envision happening, but once […]

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Mar 17 2008

Optimism In Iraq, Iraqis Want Us To Finish The Job – Wonder When Dems Will Get A Clue?

Want to know how Iraq is going? Don’t listen to the liberal democrats. Or if you do then just go with the opposite of what they say. They are the ones last year who said, despite what was being reported in Iraq form months, that the Surge and Awakening were failures and Iraq would never […]

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Mar 17 2008

Journalists: Liars Or Fools?

We have come to it with the ‘profession’ called journalism with the recent DoD report which highlights a decade’s old connection between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda’s number two leader Ayman al-Zawahiri. I READ the report and posted on it here, as did many others. The fact is the report provides clear and unambiguous connections between […]

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Mar 16 2008

New American Attack On al-Qaeda In Pakistan – Circling In On Bin Laden

Lots Of Updates Below America seems to be circling in on al-Qaeda’s leaders – and may have a bull’s eye on them right now. When I saw the US announce a major Bin Laden aid had been captured I wondered if this was meant to spook the AQ leaders and get them to move and […]

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Mar 15 2008

How al-Qaeda Is Losing Islam, Sending Support To America

al-Qaeda’s core misjudgment has always been the masses are impressed or cowed by violence. They are neither really. Like any creature that is threatened violence can erupt from the most peaceful at heart if survival is at stake. And while some are cowed, many others become angry and motivated when threatened. al-Qaeda naively believes that […]

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Mar 14 2008

The Clear Connections Between Iraq And al-Qaeda

Addendum: I have to emphasize that the connection discovered between Saddam’s Iraq and AQ’s Number 2 Zawahiri is more than enough of a smoking gun to realize AQ and Saddam’s Iraq were poised to bring on future 9-11s together – if they wanted to. And all indications are they wanted to, as long as it […]

11 responses so far

Mar 13 2008

al-Qaeda In Iraq Under Saddam – Eyewitness Account

An article out today destroys the liberal mythology regarding the war on terror in two areas. In the previous post I noted Iraqi security is working with us here in the US to stop attacks on America. This exposure of a real threat now in country demonstrates why Congress needs to stop playing games with […]

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Mar 13 2008

Why Do Dems Continue To Leave NSA-FISA Blind To Building Threats To America?

I stated before (one example out of many here) the risk the Dems were playing with American lives by not re-authorizing the rules and procedures this country has lived with since 9-11 – which have worked with great success in stopping attacks as we all know since we have not been hit since 9-11 – […]

14 responses so far

Mar 12 2008

al-Qaeda Plans To Kill In Iraq To Effect Surrender Via America’s Election

I have said for months that the SurrenderMedia only encourage al-Qaeda to massacre Muslims to obtain news headlines and force America into retreat and Surrender. Now we have an al-Qaeda commander admitting that this is in fact the case – and he relies on the SurrenderMedia and Surrendercrats like Obama and Clinton to do their […]

3 responses so far

Mar 12 2008

Interesting News From The War On Terror

Some interesting news is out there from the war on terror, of course being swamped by the news of Spitzer’s fall from grace. First off, al-Qaeda is apparently starting to fracture from the pressure, which has apparently manifested itself with some infighting: Internal divisions between Saudi and Egyptian leaders of al Qaeda are producing “fissures” […]

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