Archive for the 'Iraq' Category

Mar 11 2008

al-Qaeda Attempting A Bloody Comeback In Iraq

I know one sick liberal who is very excited today. Some weirdo Ken Hoop emails me daily on any setback the US has in Iraq. Today he must be relishing the news 8 brave young soldiers have been killed in Iraq. Where Hoop finds glee I simply offer my sincere thanks and gratitude to these […]

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Mar 10 2008

Fly By On The War On Terror

Meetings again all day so some short links to stories on the war on terror you won’t find on the mainstream news. Saudi Arabia’s top cleric has decreed giving to the ‘evil’ al-Qaeda is not good for Islam: Saudi Arabia’s top religious authority warned Saudis against giving money to charities and organizations financing “evil” groups, […]

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Mar 08 2008

Bloggers Doing The Analysis ‘Journalists’ Too Lazy To Do

Engram over at Back Talk has posted an extensive piece on why the liberal media and Surrendercrats are, to be kind as possible, ignorant of what they speak regarding al-Qaeda and Iraq. Engram’s piece notes how al-Qaeda shifted its forces and suicide bombers to Iraq in 2003 and has been the foreign force in country […]

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Mar 07 2008

al-Qaeda’s War On Islam Continues

al-Qaeda is at war with Europe, the US and the Arab/Muslim community, the latter being a clear indication that Arab Muslims are fighting for the future of Islam and their enemy is al-Qaeda. This is evident to all but the most jaded liberals as demonstrated by the bombings today in Baghdad, which clearly show who […]

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Mar 06 2008

Various Updates On The War On Terror

Head down working but wanted to pass some important news articles covering events key events in the war on terror. First off is another confirmation that US and UK forces are planning to expand their special operations activities inside Pakistan, with US forces authorized to fight along side Pakistan forces when dealing with key targets […]

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Mar 05 2008

FT Notes Tide Is Turning On al-Qaeda

Again it must be emphasized: the liberals in the US have lost the capacity to understand what is happening in the Middle East with regards to al-Qaeda and their actions and loss in Iraq. The left cannot accept their own mistakes on the issues so they pretend all the changes coming from our successes in […]

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Mar 04 2008

Young Iraqis Turning Away From Islamic Extremists

Bumped To Top – Too Historic To Miss I just finished posting on some indications that al-Qaeda is losing support amongst Islamic Extremists when I ran across this article showing al-Qaeda has lost the next generation of Muslims in Iraq – which is wonderful news for mankind and America: After almost five years of war, […]

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Mar 03 2008

A Great Analysis On The Surge And Awakening

Engram at Back Talk has some excellent analysis on the drop in violence in Iraq, noting two important points: where the bombing of the Gold mosque ignited the violence and how the Surge and Awakening movement have brought back a relative peace. Here are two of the charts contained in the analysis which is best […]

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Mar 02 2008

All al-Qaeda Can Do Is Massacre Muslims

Violence in Iraq is down for US forces to the third lowest level ever. AT LEAST 29 US troops died in Iraq in February, the third-lowest monthly casualty toll for the US military since the American-British invasion in 2003. Troop fatalities declined from 40 in January, and from 81 in February 2007. Which means al-Qaeda […]

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Mar 02 2008

Obama Is Losing It, And America

Updates Below! The problem phenoms such Obama is they come to believe they have super human powers and can change the world from its gritty, some times deadly, reality into a Sesame Street paradise where all is as simple as counting to twenty. The crowds start intoxicating their mind with the idea the mob-think is […]

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