Archive for the 'Iraq' Category

Feb 29 2008

Decline In Violence In Iraq Continues Apace

al-Qaeda has been attempting to salvage their losing effort in Iraq by increasing their body counts. They had some success in January in getting a slight up-tick in the US casualty number, as I noted in this post and as can be seen in the chart below from that post: As the graph notes the […]

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Feb 29 2008

The Defeat of al-Qaeda In Iraq: Security And Freedom Over Brutality And Death

I truly enjoy reading of success in Iraq in the ‘pages’ of the NY Times. The NY Times is the epicenter of BDS and the SurrenderMedia’s defeatism on Iraq. So I savour the moments when they must actual perform real journalism and report how the Bin Laden’s butchers are being destroyed by the forces of […]

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Feb 29 2008

You Can Be Anti-War And Support Continuing Our Efforts In Iraq

My hat is off to Angelina Jolie. Today she penned a very important article in the Washington Post which demonstrates you can be anti-war and still support continuing our efforts in Iraq. How is this possible? It seems so obvious once you read Jolie’s words. She notes we are working towards a lasting peace, which […]

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Feb 27 2008

Interesting View Of al-Qaeda’s Dwindling Capability

I you want to see how the War On Terror as succeeded in decimating al-Qaeda, and how the movement has moved from the Middle East to Europe due to the decimation check out this assessment: The third wave of terrorists comprises mostly “terrorist wannabes,” said Marc Sageman, a fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute […]

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Feb 24 2008

al-Qaeda Massacring Iraqi Muslims In Droves

Want to know how bad it is for al-Qaeda in Iraq? Look at who they attack – both Shiite and Sunni. Clearly al-Qaeda is trying through bloody oppression to cower the Iraqis. That is a dumb move which will only bring more Arab Muslim into armed opposition to al-Qaeda. Here are today’s examples of massacre […]

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Feb 22 2008

Progress In Iraq As Dems Struggle To Find Defeat

As I noted in an earlier post this morning the Democrats dream of their oft-predicted American defeat in Iraq has been destroyed with the news that radical Shiite cleric Al-Sadr is extending his militia’s cease fire another 6 months. I would guess the 200,000 strong Iraqi security forces with US backing had a little to […]

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Feb 22 2008

Surrendercrats Dreams Crushed In Iraq As Sadr Holds His Fire

You have to see the emails I get from the truly sick on the left to understand how disappointed liberals are today that Moqtoda Al-Sadr has decided to ‘give peace a chance’ – as John Lennon would put it. There may not be increasing bloodshed and carnage in Iraq, therefore Americans won’t be turning negative […]

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Feb 21 2008

Taking Out al-Qaeda Across Iraq

Some very good news coming out of Iraq. First off US forces have killed the sick fascist who convinced two mentally ill women to unwittingly become suicide bombers in one of Iraq’s bloodiest massacres of Muslims by al-Qaeda: Multinational Forces Iraq has confirmed it killed a senior intelligence officer of al Qaeda in Iraq’s network […]

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Feb 20 2008

Iraq Is The Battle For Islam’s Future

Iraq has become do or die, but not for America. It has become do or die for al-Qaeda. The Islamic Fascist movement was at one time, right after 9-11, considered the probable future of Islam. But al-Qaeda’s brutal and blood thirsty nature was exposed in Iraq, as it has spent years massacring Muslims in an […]

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Feb 19 2008

Updates From Iraq

It seems that al-Qaeda’s penchant for brutality continues even though it supposedly promised to stop targeting Iraqi Muslims in order to regain some standing in the Iraq Muslims community: A couple and their son as well as a woman neighbour taking part in the fight against Al-Qaeda have been killed by gunmen near the restive […]

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