Archive for the 'Iraq' Category

Jan 28 2008

News From The War Front – Children As Weapons, Baitullah Fired

Update: Michael Totten reports on our victory in Fallujah and how US forces there are down 90% from their high in late 2006 – a clear sign of the future of Iraq thanks to the dedication and determination of our Commander-in-Chief and military forces – end update It is amazing the democrats are still, after […]

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Jan 25 2008

News On The Global War On Terror

For your reading pleasure today while the national parties are busy naval-gazing and wondering who is the most pure of all. First is a review of the situation in Diyala Province Iraq as al-Qaeda is purged from one of their last remaining areas of operation. This time the sound of Stryker personnel carriers rolling into […]

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Jan 22 2008

Interesting Iraq Articles – Bin Laden’s Son Tells His Dad He Is Wrong!

Found some interesting articles on Iraq I never got to post over the weekend. First is a comparison between the reality of Iraq vs. the fantasy of American politics on Iraq by Michael Gordon, who has been reporting on Iraq for the NY Times and was one of the first reporters to note the successes […]

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Jan 18 2008

al-Qaeda’s Shrinking Presence In Iraq

H/T to reader Merlin for noting this excellent post by Bill Roggio, which confirms many of my speculations regarding the retreating nature of al-Qaeda in Iraq: Nearly one year to the day of the announcement of the “surge” of US forces to Iraq and the change in counterinsurgency plan, Iraqi and Coalition forces have shrunk […]

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Jan 18 2008

Iraq To Stand Free By Year’s End

OK, I am really tired of those who are too skittish or afraid to declare Iraq at least a blooming victory. The parliament is working off the necessary legislation to bring their governing coalition back together and al-Qaeda is now the enemy of Muslim Iraqis – not their heros. But more than that is the […]

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Jan 17 2008

SurrenderManiacs Surrender On Iraq

Since America and Iraq is well on the road to a victory in Iraq and over al-Qaeda it seems the SurrenderManiacs (which includes the SurrenderMedia, Surrendercrats (dems) and Surrendercans (reps) have decided to do what they do best – surrender! After a series of legislative defeats in 2007 that saw the year end with more […]

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Jan 12 2008

Newsweek Declares Iraq A Lost Cause For Surrendercrats

It seems that not only has al-Qaeda’s efforts to takeover Iraq failed (see post below), but now even the liberal rag Newsweek is declaring Iraq a lost cause to the Democrats (a.k.a. Surrendercrats): But as Bush rallied U.S. troops at the base here on Saturday with a “Hoo-ah” and conferred with his Iraq dream team, […]

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Jan 12 2008

Iraq Announces The Defeat Of al-Qaeda Is At Hand, Time To Celebrate

When the Iraqis themselves decided al-Qaeda was not the future of Islam but the enemy of Islam, the tide turned forever in Iraq. Known generally as The Awakening, since this is the name the groups who have turned on al-Qaeda have decided to rally under, this pivotal moment in the War in Iraq and the […]

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Jan 11 2008

Success In Iraq, Anbar Becomes Independent

The center of Sunni and al-Qaeda resistance a year ago, Anbar Province is readying itself to join the Iraqi nation as a Province under Iraqi control: Iraq’s western province of Anbar, hotbed of the Sunni Arab insurgency for the first four years of the war, will be returned to Iraqi control in March, a senior […]

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Jan 10 2008

Applying Some Whoop-A$$ To al-Qaeda

al-Qaeda has promised a come back in Iraq. They have put the call out to try and turn the tide against their impending defeat. Sadly for them they did not contemplate the impact if the US and Iraqis ALSO unleashed a forceful push on them. Well now they can contemplate it – on their journey […]

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