Archive for the 'Iraq' Category

Jan 10 2008

How Many Muslims Has al-Qaeda Killed In Iraq? WHO Decides

It seems very hard to determine how many Muslims have been killed in Iraq due to al-Qaeda’s efforts to insight civil war (it wasn’t the US who bombed the Golden Mosque and ignited the fighting, it wasn’t the US who used chlorine bombs on Sunnis who were changing their minds about al-Qaeda’s brutality). The World […]

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Jan 09 2008

al-Qaeda More Spectacular, But Less Effective

al-Qaeda is clearly losing in Iraq. Their promised increase in death and destruction is just not panning out. Yes, they can kill a lot of people on occasion. But even while their attacks are becoming more spectacular they are also becoming fewer, farther between and more and more in isolated areas not city centers: A […]

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Jan 07 2008

al-Qaeda Will Be Destroyed By Muslims

It is becoming clear that al-Qaeda is fighting for its very life because all of its big targets are Muslims – not Americans. This happened in Anbar when Iraqis began to turn on al-Qaeda as well. al-Qaeda started bombing mercilessly to attempt to cower the Sunnis there back into submission. The result was even more […]

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Jan 06 2008

Obama Pulls An al-Gore

Yes, that is a deliberate typo on “al-Gore”. Combining the propaganda BS of a Baghdad Bob (which the SurrenderMedia just couldn’t stop believing or reporting) with the ability to exaggerate and self-fantasize, Barrack Obama has pulled one of the dumbest al-Gore stunts I have ever seen (H/T Lori Byrd) I wasn’t going to post anything […]

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Jan 05 2008

More Gains In Iraq

Thankfully George Bush is going to leave office with a big (and accurate) “Mission Accomplished” next to the war in Iraq line item. The progress in that country is snowballing fast. I had some good news stories from Iraq this morning, and more from the latter half of the day showed up. Here they are: […]

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Jan 04 2008

Iraq Makes Huge Strides

I see a race to November and January brewing up. Can we defeat al-Qaeda in Iraq before January 2009? It looks more and more like “yes”. The big news is the praise a top Shiite leader is heaping on the Sunni Awakening movement – an olive branch if I have ever seen one: The leader […]

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Jan 03 2008

We Must Seize Momentum (Not the Defeat) In Iraq

There are a lot of presidential candidates out there today more than willing to stop pounding al-Qaeda, to stop chasing them down, and simply pretend we have won by holding parades down Main Street USA. It is a sick, pathetic and spineless plan for American defeat. It is more active on the far left, but […]

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Jan 03 2008

Iraq’s Tet Offensive Was In 2004?

It seems the SurrenderMedia are partially responsible for the extending the bloodshed in Iraq by misusing information out of Iraq (anyone surprised?) to turn the political forces that were against al-Qaeda terrorists and to turn them against American efforts to stop the bloodshed: A secret intelligence assessment of the first battle of Fallujah shows that […]

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Jan 02 2008

Iraq Is The Big Issue In 2008 – Run On It!

Iraq is the big issue in 2008, despite what denial by the liberal press and their unprecedented news blackout on the path to victory against global terrorism. Ralph Peters notes the most important story of 2007 – the massive defeat of al-Qaeda forces by Muslim Iraqis: The greatest media story of 2007 was the one […]

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Jan 01 2008

Celebrations In Iraq, Bin Laden Must Have Major Hangover

For the seventh straight month the violence has dropped in Iraq – even in the face of a call for increased violence for the months of December and January and Bin Laden’s

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