Archive for the 'Iraq' Category

Dec 30 2007

Bin Laden Begs Iraqis To Stop Defeating His Thugs

Major Update: The Iraqis Bin Laden is begging to stop destroying his movement (in Iraq and in the Muslim world in general) as posted below have now publicly challenged Bin Laden to stop murdering Muslims! An Iraqi US-backed tribal council Sunday called on the leader of the Al Qaeda terrorist network Osama bin Laden to […]

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Dec 29 2007

Iraq Violence Continues Its Steady Decline In December, Path To Victory Continues

Previously I posted that we would actually be able to measure al-Qaeda’s remaining effectiveness in Iraq because they had called on all elements to step up their attacks in Iraq during the months of December and January: The leader of the Islamic State in Iraq, an al Qaeda-linked group forced on the defensive by its […]

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Dec 28 2007

Iraq Update: Sadr Neutered, Anbar Rising Again

It seems Muqtada al-Sadr, the fiery Iraqi Shiite cleric with ties to Iran and filled with anti-US denunciations, has been basically de-fanged by the ruling Shiia forces: KARBALA, Iraq – Posted at the door of Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr’s office recently, a flier denounced the arrest of his followers. Up and down the barricaded street, […]

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Dec 24 2007

Peace March Reconciliation In Iraq

The SurrenderMedia has a tough choice to make this Christmas season – what kind of behavior will they reward with their attention (which is reflected in headlines and stories in their precious limited bandwidth)? For the first part of 2007 the media obsessed over every bombing to illustrate their preferred story line that Iraq was […]

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Dec 23 2007

Defending The Iraq Homeland From Invaders

In the fantasy world of the far left Iraqis are defending their homeland from the US invasion. But in the reality that is the streets of Iraq, defending the homeland from the brutal and violent invaders who maim and kill the Iraq people, who come to oppress them, is to fight al-Qaeda alongside America. This […]

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Dec 22 2007

Map Of The Iraq Awakening

The New York Times is shifting gears and providing some actual real reporting on the Awakening movement in Iraq which, along with The Petraeus Surge, as turned Iraq from a rolling failure into a smashing success. For those interested in the make up of the various Awakening groups that have stood up in Iraq check […]

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Dec 22 2007

Democrats Revolt Against Leadership On Iraq

As long as Iraq looked like an unending failure there was a chance the Dems could cause the GOP to revolt against President Bush and finalize a defeat for America. That was their uber political fantasy when they took over Congress this year. But when the Surge and Awakening transformed Iraq into a probable success […]

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Dec 22 2007

War On Terror Update 12/22/07 – Beginning Of The End

As we look back on this year I think we will find it was a pivotal year for the coming century. I think we will see the beginning of the end of al-Qaeda in the US Surge and the Iraqi Awaking – both of which took root this year (though the very beginnings of the […]

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Dec 21 2007

The True Face Of Our Enemy Continues To Emerge

Surrendercrats have a serious and unending problem to face – they are predicting (and sometimes it looks like they are “hoping” – for personal political benefit) that al-Qaeda can still win in Iraq. They still present America as being in Iraq as the worse option to al-Qaeda or civil strife dominating Iraq. The problem with […]

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Dec 20 2007

No Doubt We Are Winning In Iraq

If there are any doubts we are winning in Iraq then go read Gen McCaffrey’s assessment of the situation – and be prepared to be stunned on how well we are doing.

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