Archive for the 'Iraq' Category

Dec 20 2007

Iraq Update 12/20/07 – Reconciliation Spreads Across Iraq

The news from Iraq is following a pattern that should be no surprise to those watching events as Iraq comes out of its dark dance with al-Qaeda. Ever since the Muslim street in Iraq determined al-Qaeda was the real enemy the country has fought its way towards a brighter future. And along this path we […]

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Dec 19 2007

Democrat Congress Backs Iraq War

Success has many fathers and mothers, failure is an orphan. After a year of votes to hold money until America surrendered Iraq to al-Qaeda, we end the year with Congress giving a clear signal they support the war in Iraq: Ending dual spending battles with President Bush, the Democratic-controlled Congress passed a $555 billion bill […]

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Dec 19 2007

Democrat Sees Success Coming In Iraq

And no, it was not Joe Lieberman, it was US Congressman Donnelly who is not afraid to be objective and provide for some reasonable optimism given the blatant trend lines in Iraq: U.S. Rep. Joe Donnelly returned from a second trip to Iraq in five months encouraged that the mission there is going better and […]

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Dec 19 2007

Surrender Media Shows Why Democrat Plans For Iraq Would Fail!

Update: Some anal grammar Nazis on the left fail to understand posts (written in haste while at work) because they can’t help but shore up their shallow egos by pointing out editorial nits and missing the point (which is why most liberals miss most points, they are playing dictionary and not comprehending). So I fixed […]

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Dec 17 2007

Triumph Breaking Out In Iraq

It seems success in Iraq is breaking out all across the SurrenderMedia today. Here is a sampling: There are reports out of Iraq that violence has fallen to an all time, post-invasion low in that country – despite the planned campaign of carnage threatened by al-Qaeda: Violence in Iraq is at its lowest levels since […]

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Dec 17 2007

Surrendercrats Finally Get Some Failure

The Surrendercrats started the year promising al-Qaeda they would run from Iraq, dismantle our national defenses, and – hidden from public view – impeach the evil Bushitler. I was so sure they would come into power to naively do Bin Laden’s bidding I wrote The Democrat Contract With al-Qaeda in early 2006. To this day […]

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Dec 17 2007

al-Qaeda Grasping To Hold On In Iraq

al-Qaeda can light of a few bombs and target a few people, but they cannot claim any territory of their own in Iraq right now. Their atrocities against the Iraqi Muslims have made them the enemy and those fighting them the Islamic heroes and martyrs for the cause of Islam. They have been pushed farther […]

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Dec 17 2007

What Would Bin Laden Say If US Retreated From Iraq?

What would Bin Laden and al-Qaeda claim if America followed the Surrendercrats’ idea of running from Iraq? We don’t have to guess how they would utilize a democrat induced failure because al Qaeda have spoken out on the UK’s departure from Basra which is actually a move made from success (tentative, but a success): Britain’s […]

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Dec 16 2007

6 False Media Stories Planted In 6 Weeks

Seems the SurrenderMedia have only one answer to all the good news coming out of Iraq – run fake bad news instead. What kind of clown thinks the only reality is the one emanating for the boob-tube? Boobs of course. The days of the media planting biased and false stories and having it work are […]

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Dec 16 2007

Signs Of Progress In Iraq – Iraqis War With al-Qaeda

There are signs of progress and set backs in Iraq. But the set backs indicate a new problem for the beleaguered al-Qaeda movement. First with the bad news, which shows al-Qaeda is now openly at war with its fellow Muslims in Iraq: The terrorists have started to attack the neighborhood patrols the US had helped […]

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