Archive for the 'Iraq' Category

Dec 15 2007

Huckabee A Disaster For GOP

Governor Huckabee’s 15 minutes of fame are just about up. I am not really all that concerned about all the noise about his religion, but his mouth seems perfectly sized to fit his foot. Huckabee has done something now that should end his race for the White Houst – he has taken the Pelosi-Reid-Gore-Daschle position […]

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Dec 14 2007

Progress In Iraq Creates Sunni Heros To Replace Bin Laden As The Arab-Muslim Icon

I am not going to write extensively on these stories on Iraq, but they are “must reads” to see how the debate on Iraq is shifting with the progress inside Iraq. First up is an Economist article that covers all the progress and notes things could still go bad, but could also (more likely) go […]

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Dec 14 2007

Pelosi’s Madness

Conservatives like war – that is the latest lick-spittle babbling coming from the House Speaker who is just frustrated she cannot act as Empress of the Realm: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi lashed out at Republicans on Thursday, saying they want the Iraq war to drag on and are ignoring the public’s priorities. “They like this […]

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Dec 13 2007

Success In Iraq Is Becoming Almost Unavoidable

The SurrenderMedia are starting to cave on Iraq just as the Dems are caving on the funding of the war effort to a successful conclusion. Imagine how things will be changing in 2008 when stories (and graphs) like the ones in this USA Today Op Ed are being perused across the nation this Holiday season: […]

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Dec 13 2007

More Signs Of al-Qaeda Abandoning Iraq

This media-touted last gasp of al-Qaeda in Iraq may be a farewell message, not an attempt to salvage a lost cause – because Iraq is a lost cause. al-Qaeda has basically organized the entire Iraqi population into a fierce and long term enemy. Their atrocities – used as PR stunts to get Western media attention […]

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Dec 12 2007

Surrendercrats Lose On Iraq Funding Again

While the Democrats keep pushing for a US defeat IN Iraq they have succeeded in stringing together a year long set of defeats ON Iraq. The Dems have raised the white flag again – as they must before families across this nation sit around the table for Christmas meals and pray for our troops in […]

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Dec 11 2007

Iraq Improvements Deepening, Becoming Permanent

Anbar is where the a change in US deployment strategy combined with Iraqis repulsed and fed up with al-Qaeda’s brutal tactics to create the original model for what would later be known as The Surge. Because it was the example for the broader Surge across Iraq Anbar is the first in province in Iraq is […]

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Dec 11 2007

Strong Majority See Progress In Iraq

The media is trying to blunt the news that the tide is turning on the Surrendercrats and the SurrenderMedia, but the fact is a new poll shows an ever changing view on Iraq that follows the drop in violence, but with a 4 month delay: By 52 percent to 41 percent, most said the U.S. […]

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Dec 11 2007

Incompetent Dems Stomp Feet And Pout

The Democrats have lost the ability to lead or govern. All they do now is stomp their feet, pout and complain to the media that it is too hard to get their work done. The latest example – in a year of unending examples – is the inability of Congress to fund the Federal Government, […]

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Dec 10 2007

1,000 Iraqi Sunnis and Shiites Meet For Reconciliation

The Surrendercrats in DC must be besides themselves with remorse this Holiday Season. Instead of the shattering defeat of our forces they have had to endure month after month of smashing success in Iraq. And after a lame attempt to salvage their dire predictions of doom and gloom by claiming military success is useless without […]

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