Archive for the 'Iraq' Category

Dec 10 2007

al-Qaeda’s Last Stand Before They Are Pushed Out Of Iraq

The ghoulish SurrenderMedia is all atwitter with the recent spate of violence by al-Qaeda and its few remaining sympathizers. al-Qaeda is going for one last bloody effort to remain relevant and get its blood soaked results on the nightly news. And it will kill and maim people – mostly Muslims now. Which puts America and […]

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Dec 10 2007

Note To Dems: This Is Supporting The Troops

The Far Left insults America’s intelligence when they say they support troops by claiming a pretend-victory and forcing them to run from al-Qaeda in Iraq – even as our troops have al-Qaeda on the run. But real support for the troops – American style – is obviously something much different than forcing retreat and covering […]

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Dec 09 2007

Converts For Success In Iraq

The Washington Post ran an intriguing article of ‘reconciliation’ between the war doubters and war optimists (myself being in the latter camp of course). Being authored by one member from each camp the article demonstrates the political reconciliation possible in America, now that General Petraeus’ Surge as been able to create stability in much of […]

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Dec 08 2007

Iraq Update 12/08/07

The last pocket of al-Qaeda fighters is being pressured in areas of the Northern Province of Diyala. Iraqi and Coalition forces have purged al-Qaeda from around Baghdad, from Anbar Province, from the capital city of Diyala (Baquba), herding them towards the Northern Iraqi border with Iran. As we herd them we decimate their forces. Recent […]

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Dec 07 2007

Top Sunni Terrorist Nearly Caught – Large Intel Find

The last of Saddam’s top thugs was almost captured overnight, but US and Iraqi forces did find a treasure trove of intel regarding his work with al-Qaeda. The former vice-president of Iraq, Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri, has escaped from forces who had cornered him in an overnight raid. Al-Douri managed to escape the raid following intelligence […]

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Dec 07 2007

Everywhere al-Qaeda Goes Death And Destruction Follows

The the term “scourge of humanity” is becoming highly applicable to al-Qaeda. They have been pushed on their way out of Iraq for months now and their last remnants are in now grasping to hang on in Northern Iraq. They are doing their usual bloodthirsty thing and making it easier and easier for the US […]

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Dec 07 2007

Intel Behind Iran NIE To Be Investigated

The liberal media is a bit upset their politicization of the latest NIE on Iran is not working, so they claim all those who raise legitimate doubts about the NIE are – of course – politicizing the NIE. Kettle, meet pot. We can see this in the way the SurrenderMedia portrays the debate. Their frustration […]

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Dec 07 2007

21,500 US Troops To Leave Iraq By Summer – In Victory

If the drop in violence in Iraq is sustained and reconciliation continues to proceed then we could see 21,500 US troops out of Iraq by summer. Petraeus outlined a strategy for handling what he called “the thinning out of our forces” as 17,500 soldiers and 4,000 Marines depart by July. He said he has asked […]

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Dec 06 2007

War On Terror Update 12/06/07

Some stories folks might find interesting which probably won’t make the national news media (their too busy dealing with a Mormon Presidential candidate discussing religion in America to focus on our ongoing war efforts). First up we are getting great news from Pakistan on the efforts to purge that country of the Ilsamo Fascist waging […]

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Dec 06 2007

Dems Trying to Sneak War Funding Through Congress

The Democrat leaders in Congress have once again bet the house and lost in their uselessly lame attempts to appease their far left base and somehow not appear to be pulling the rug out from under our troops on the front lines. It is impossible to do both things at the same time, so the […]

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