Archive for the 'Iraq' Category

Dec 06 2007

Iraqis Still Uniting Against al-Qaeda

We are seeing more and more conferences and meetings across Iraq where the various tribal leaders from all the sects continue to meet and pledge alliance for Iraq and against al-Qaeda. The uprising, solidarity of Iraqis against al-Qaeda continues to spread. What an unbelievable shift from the days surrounding 9-11.

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Dec 05 2007

Iraq Update 12/06/07

Lots and lots of progress still pouring out of Iraq. First up is news of a Sunni-Kurd power sharing deal in the North of Iraq – ironically the last bastion of major al-Qaeda activity: Sunni Arabs ended a yearlong political boycott Tuesday in Kirkuk — the hub of Iraq’s northern oil fields — under a […]

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Dec 05 2007

al-Qaeda Defeated In Iraq, Heading To Afghanistan & Pakistan

From al-Qaeda itself we hear they are a defeated force in Iraq: Clarice Feldman jveritas reports this: In his speech released yesterday Abou Omar Al Baghdadi the supposed leader of the Islamic State in Iraq which is Al Qaeda in Iraq said that only two hundered Mohajeroon are left in Iraq. Mohajeroon which means immigrants […]

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Dec 05 2007

America Growing More Positive On Iraq

Parts of Iraq starting turning around in the fall of ’06 when Sunnis finally had enough of al-Qaeda’s bloody brutality and starting switching sides to fight with the US against the Islamo Facists. This turn of events (not the US election in 2006, which just happened to coincidentally happen at the same time) presented the […]

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Dec 04 2007

We Can Now Measure al-Qaeda’s Presence In Iraq

We have seen months of declining violence in Iraq as al-Qaeda’s one time allies – and continuously victims – have turned against them. Now al-Qaeda has decided to go for broke in Iraq and increase their massacring of fellow Muslims. They must think this is the only way to avoid defeat, since their defeat in […]

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Dec 04 2007

Iraq Refugees Ran From al-Qaeda, Not Just US “Occupation”

Boy, the indications from Iraq on what has really been happening in that country since al-Qaeda tried to destabilize it with mass bombings and attacks on Shiia religious sites is sometimes just stunning. The ‘conventional wisdom’ (a.k.a. liberal delusions promulgated in the SurrenderMedia) has been the refugees from Iraq have were chased out by the […]

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Dec 04 2007

Iraq Declares Its Independence Day In 2008

Iraq has determined, given the progress in purging the Islamo Fascists associated with al-Qaeda, that the US presence in Iraq can be dialed back at the end of 2008: The Iraqi Cabinet agreed Tuesday to ask the United Nations to extend the authorization for U.S.-led forces in Iraq through the end of next year, but […]

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Dec 04 2007

Top al-Qaeda Leader In Iraq Killed

Of course when we see the top al-Qaeda leader in Iraq killed it is always not an Iraqi. This latest dead leader, Abu Maysara, was a Syrian: A man killed during fighting in Iraq last month was a key figure in the al-Qaeda in Iraq movement, the US military has said. Abu Maysara, a Syrian, […]

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Dec 04 2007

Afghanistan Update 12/04/07

Some good news is coming out of Afghanistan now that it and Pakistan seem to be the new focus on the war on terror. As I mentioned yesterday it seems al-Qaeda and its associate groups and fighters are heading to the region after their defeat in Iraq. So clearly Americans should monitor events in the […]

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Dec 04 2007

al-Qaeda Running Out Of Troops In Iraq, Uses Child Soldiers

There is a famous picture of Hitler in Berlin at the end of the war reviewing ‘the troops’. The problem was Germany was out of troops, so Hitler sent the children of Germany – you can see the picture here. History does repeat itself. Previously I noted there has been a significant reduction in replacement […]

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