Archive for the 'Iraq' Category

Dec 03 2007

As Predicted, al-Qaeda Leaving Iraq For Afghanistan And Pakistan

I made a prediction many months ago that The Surge was chasing al-Qaeda out of Iraq and towards their last stronghold in Northern Pakistan and Southern Afghanistan – basically the areas surrounding Tora Bora. It made sense to make this prediction. Being hunted by Iraqis meant al-Qaeda fighters had to flee to some new base […]

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Dec 03 2007

The Transformation Of Iraq

Yes I know I obsess about Iraq these days, but all the other news is actually sort of boring and not as potentially history shaping as Iraq could be. The pattern of news I expected to see coming from the Surge and Awakening has materialized, and it is a pattern that will shape public opinion […]

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Dec 03 2007

November Progress In Iraq Confirmed, Part IV

It seems November is one of those months where all indicators are pointing towards a positive future for Iraq. First reported was the reduction in US combat deaths. The second indicator reported was the parallel drop in Iraqi civilian deaths. Both of these continue 6 month trends. The third indicator reported was the significant drop […]

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Dec 02 2007

November Progress In Iraq Confirmed, Part III

November is turning out to be quite significant in measuring and confirming the progress The Surge is making in Iraq. The first indication reported was the continued decline in US combat deaths in November – making this the 6th straight month of of the trend. The next indicator to come out was the news of […]

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Dec 02 2007

The Bastion Of Far Left Liberalism Admits Iraq Is Changing Course, Changing Political Landscape At Home

The San Francisco Chronicle, newspaper of the liberal elite from the West Coast capitol of the far left, is making some astonishing observations today regarding Iraq: Is the troop surge in Iraq working? If it is, the battleground at home could shift in ways unthinkable just two months ago: President Bush could be off the […]

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Dec 01 2007

Want To Measure The Depth Of Liberal Denial On Iraq War?

Engineering and science are disciplines of measurements. We can measure the distance to the moon within millimeters using lasers. We can use radio signals to measure the distance the orbit of a satellite and predict its path for days into the future even with dozens of random and unpredictable forces perturbing the orbit path. So […]

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Dec 01 2007

Mad Murtha Undermines Far Left War Stance

Update – IBD Notices Murtha’s Duplicitous Madness Mad Jack Murtha – who once said we could monitor al-Qaeda’s activities in Iraq by stationing our forces in Okinawa, Japan (talk about someone who served in the military and learned absolutely nothing about how to manage a war effort) – has done the unthinkable in far left […]

15 responses so far

Dec 01 2007

The War In Iraq Is Now For The Heart Of Islam In The Middle East

We cannot leave Iraq right now, the future of the Middle East and the rest of the world is literally at stake. We have made a lot of progress in Iraq, and the people of Iraq have made a choice to side with a Western styled democracy and alliance with America. This decision was not […]

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Dec 01 2007

The Nuts And Bolts Of Succeeding In Iraq

A lesson is being taught in the neighborhoods of Iraq. It is a lesson how how the US can expose its true nature to those swamped with propaganda about how evil we are. It is a lesson on how to fight terrorism and insurgents. And it is a lesson to the government of Iraq in […]

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Dec 01 2007

November Progress In Iraq Confirmed, Part II

As I predicted in the post below the numbers for Iraqi civilian deaths due to violence also dropped significantly in November, further confirming the fact that the Surge – along with the rising up of the Iraqi people to fight the oppression and atrocities of al-Qaeda’s brand of Islamo Fascism – has transformed the future […]

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