Archive for March 2nd, 2006

Mar 02 2006

From Those Who Know About Ports

Why do we need The UAE as an ally both commercially and with regards to security? Listen to the experts, one of whom commented on this site most intelligently about what is a real threat and what is a politically made up threat: Since I work in the cargo industry, I am not surpised in […]

4 responses so far

Mar 02 2006

Oh What A Tangled Web!

What do China’s President, Sandy Berger and US Port Security have in common? More importantly, why should they have anything in common! Sandy Berger is a confessed thief of national security information which he claims he destroyed using scissors in his office (was the shredder not working?). China is not an ally of the form […]

7 responses so far

Mar 02 2006


People see what they want to see in issues I guess. I was reading Tom Blevan’s latest panic attack on RCP and it still strikes me how few people understand how the Federal Government works and how security issues work. Until I started blogging I had no idea how unique my knowledge was after being […]

4 responses so far

Mar 02 2006

RSS Feeds are fixed (I hope!)

Published by under All General Discussions

I’m very sorry for the broken RSS feed problem since the upgrade to WordPress 2.0.1. I thought I was doing the smart thing and not upgrading to 2.0 until they had at least one bug fix release out (2.0.1). This was definitely a WordPress bug and I’ve implemented the fix. It works for me on […]

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Mar 02 2006

AP Drinks Katrina Kool Aid

Published by under All General Discussions

The AP has to be one of the dimmest bulbs in the news media these days.  In a piece straight out of Orwell’s 1984 they attempt to rewrite the history of Katrina regarding who was sounding the warning bells and who was ignoring the threat. On the eve of Hurricane Katrina’s fateful landfall, President Bush […]

5 responses so far

Mar 02 2006

Able Danger Timeline Updated

Kieth Phucas, writing in the Norristown Times Herald uncovers some critical timeline data regarding Able Danger and The China study [hat tip Vi at Able Danger Blog] and the purging of data (and work and contractors) at LIWA. I had assumed the terrorist study, known as Able Danger, had started prior to the China technology […]

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Mar 02 2006

Able Danger Conference Call With Weldon

For those who were not following the conference call updates on other sites, Curt at Flopping Aces and Vi from QT Monster posting on Able Danger Blog have links to the audio of the conference call and some comments.

8 responses so far

Mar 02 2006

Will Conservatives Throw It All Away Over Ports?

Conservatives who are against the UAE port are going to face a hard lesson in humility – deal with it or undermine Bush’s second term. The UAE Port deal is going through, there is nothing to stop a determined President from respecting a good ally (at least when compared to Russia, France and Germany): US […]

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