Nov 07 2006
No Late Polls In Colorado- Fox News
Fox News is reporting a judge has denied the Democrats’ request to hold polls open late.
Nov 07 2006
Fox News is reporting a judge has denied the Democrats’ request to hold polls open late.
Nov 07 2006
Fox is reporting Rep areas in MO are showing record turnout. Heard similar comments on CNN on why the MO might be late. It seems this could be a really interesting night. Fox is also pointing to the fact that Embryonic Stem Cell research, abortion and gay marriage are topics of many ballot questions and […]
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Nov 07 2006
Turnout in 2006 is better than in 2004 (their internal numbers – not exit polls). Rep turnout is 32.9% of 2004. Demis 32.5% of 2004. Again, that means those polls assuming a drop off on the right will be proven wrong. Mehlman says they have to wait and see on the House – but they […]
Nov 07 2006
More Tea Leaves. Top Issue (42%) Corruption in DC. Number two War on Terrorism, then economy and then Iraq (57-41 disapprove-approve on Iraq)! That is not the order the Dems want these to be in. Yes, this is nationalized election – but if Iraq is number four behind terrorism and the economy then the Dems […]
Nov 07 2006
If the media have the early exit polls now, which they should, the tone is the Reps will lose the house. But I am still holding back on buying any polls at this stage. We rode this ride in 2004. But Fox and CNN are giving the same basic subliminal message. We shall see if […]
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Nov 07 2006
Not much coming out – will soon though, given results will be out in less than two hours in some places. I am watching (but not buying) The Corner at NRO and Hotline Call. Sound Politics will be good for the Pacific Northwest news. Take it all with a grain of salt. Recall that Dems […]
Nov 07 2006
Obi-Wan speaks to the Jehdi Council: “Always the future, emotion is”! As a Jedhi Padawan I cannot help but think the Dark Side was too devious by half this election cycle and has basically tripped over their own light sabers.
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Nov 07 2006
It seems Webb may be in serious trouble as VA turnout is heavy across the state (More here). Webb needs a lopsided turnout in Northern Virginia (or a big lead) to offset the rest of the state. If the turnout is high across the state, the NoVa effect is neutralized. Webb can blame it on […]
Nov 07 2006
Glitches in setting up the voting machines in Indiana have made it necessary to keep polls open in some areas to 9:00 PM – making the supposed early indicator races now much later. In one Indiana county, a court order will keep polls open until nearly nine o’clock tonight. An apparent computer error kept voters […]
Nov 07 2006
So folks don’t need to wade through my three big posts below: Reps easily hold senate taking at most a two seat loss. Reps will also hold the house with Dems picking up a maximum of 9 seats. It get’s better from there if the GOP has a good turnout. BTW – Please remember politics […]