Archive for February 9th, 2007

Feb 09 2007

Major Adult Stem Cell Breakthroughs

As the Embryonic Stem Cell Research (ESCR) continues to try and simply produce a contamination free set of cells that do more than cause cancers and other damaging growths, the Adult Stem Cell Research is making absolutely incredible advances. Our good friend The Anchoress not only pointed me to this news on amniotic stem cells […]

2 responses so far

Feb 09 2007

Update On Sadr-Shia Traitor In Iraq

I reported earlier on the Shia Deputy Health Minister who was apprehended the other day on suspicion of ties to Sadr-Mahdi death squads. Those ties appear to be much stronger, and it seems this man, al Zamili, was a leader of these traitorous killers: A TOP government minister arrested in a security crackdown in Iraq […]

3 responses so far

Feb 09 2007

Fitzgerald Loses Part Of One Count Against Libby

I am stunned, but it seems Fitzgerald was so successful in his case the judge threw one portion of one of the indictments against Libby (saw it first, where else, at Just One Minute). The Libby defense won a victory of sorts when Judge Reggie B. Walton agreed to exclude part of one of the […]

19 responses so far

Feb 09 2007

Jihad Comes To The UK

Yesterday I posted on the blatant brutality that is Islamo Fascism and how it expresses itself in Iraq. I used this example to illustrate why we cannot run from Iraq and allow Islamo Fascism a base of operations in Iraq from which to bring Jihad to the West. Now we have reports out of the […]

15 responses so far