Archive for February 19th, 2007

Feb 19 2007

24 Season 6, 1:00 to 3:00 PM Open Thread

I am remiss on posting on the two hour 24 last week. Needless to say it was a relief to get two hours in verses the normal one hour. I found one line just too ridiculous to believe, which was when the President threatened Assad that if one more nuke goes off in the US […]

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Feb 19 2007

Possible Libby Closing Argument

bumping to the top for Tuesday’s finaleAs we await the actual closing arguments on Tuesday, it is worth speculating on how Team Libby will argue that Fitzgerald did not make his case. So here is my layman’s suggestion on how to argue this point. [Note: I am actually blogging from the backseat of our car, […]

88 responses so far

Feb 19 2007

Americans Want To Win In Iraq – Not “End” The War

H/T to Powerline for this very welcomed poll that is supporting a scathing IBS editorial pointing out how most Americans not only want to win in Iraq – they believe we can win! In fact, that view is increasing in popularity How hopeful are you we will succeed? Response 02/07 [12/06] Very 35% [29%] Somewhat […]

9 responses so far

Feb 19 2007

Hillary’s Presidential Goals Decimated

I sometime wonder where the liberals got the idea Clinton (Bill) was such a masterfull politician. When he took office the dems had control of all the reigns power with both houses of Congress and the Presidency. Eight years later he had lost it all – and then some. So I take all this hero […]

3 responses so far

Feb 19 2007

al Qaeda Amassing For Attack

Much the news out in the last few days is saying al Qaeda is gaining strength in the Waziristan Province just on the Pakistan side of the Afghan border. This tells me one thing – al Qaeda is massing for attack. Of course, the media thinks a ragtag group of Islam Fascists in Toyota Pickups […]

6 responses so far

Feb 19 2007

Russians Coming To London

Sorry for the light posting folks, fell ill during a weekend vacation attempt (so much for that idea) and was just not up to posting (wasn’t up for anything really). There are some interesting developments in the Litvinenk Polonium investigation. First is the fact the Russians are coming to London to participate in the investigation […]

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