Archive for June 8th, 2007

Jun 08 2007

Edwards Terrorism Plan: Send In Unarmed Targets

Former Sen John Edwards has become more than a bit weird lately. He makes Al Gore look sane at times. Edward’s plan for terrorism is to pull back our military and send in un-armed volunteers to stem the tide of terrorism: Senator Edwards is outlining a new national security strategy that hinges on the creation […]

24 responses so far

Jun 08 2007

Man Battle Stations!

Just when the Immigration Hypochondriacs thought they had slayed the evil beast, news is out today that the beast may return in a few weeks and might actually survive: Despite the fact that it was primarily Republicans who voted against the maneuver, all the GOP lawmakers who spoke with FOX News were upbeat that the […]

61 responses so far

Jun 08 2007

Those Whacky Hypochondriacs!

Published by under All General Discussions

I read on a lot of conservative blogs it is time to kiss and make up. LOL! For what purpose? To go back into the mess and come up empty again. I note an old saying for those on the right who think rational calm can come from all this insanity. It goes to credibility […]

36 responses so far

Jun 08 2007

Diyala Is Turning On al-Qaeda

George Bush could end his presidency on a surprising high note: success in Iraq. Of course the Bush haters left and right will do all they can to pillory the man. But the facts could tell a very different story if things keep moving the direction they are going in Diyala Province – the last […]

26 responses so far

Jun 08 2007

Losing Respect For Life

Another problem we have is we are losing our respect for life. I guess in this culture of trivializing others we have become used to destroying rather than respecting. The House of Representatives came way too close to legislating the harvesting of young human beings for spare parts. The numbers are stunning: The House approved […]

10 responses so far

Jun 08 2007

Now What?

Well, President Bush is now a lame duck because the far right abandoned him and the conservative coalition. And the democrats run the Congress and are issueuing subpoenas. Bush can do no more now than veto legislation and give Iraq more time to turn around. The Dems will go on a spree to smear the […]

10 responses so far

Jun 08 2007

Hypochondriacs Win – They Get What They Hate So Much

Will we see any new border enhancements? No. Will we see 18,000 new border patrol agents? No. So the border will be as bad as it is today – thanks to the immigration hypochondriacs Will we see the long term illegal immigration population step forward to be background checked? No Will we see them pay […]

12 responses so far