Archive for March 18th, 2008

Mar 18 2008

Zawahiri Dead In Latest Pakistan Missile Attack?

It seems someone very high up in AQ may have been in that compound in Pakistan that was recently bombed – maybe a certain Arab doctor: A pro-government militant commander accused the Pakistani and US forces on Monday of carrying out Sunday’s missile attack on a compound of a house in the Shah Nawazkot area […]

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Mar 18 2008

al-Qaeda Now Targeting Little Girls

al-Qaeda is one sick and pathetic group of thugs. Now they are attacking a girls school: Militants blew up a girls’ high school in the troubled Darra Adam Khel region in northwestern Pakistan after warning the students to stop attending classes and to join madrassas. The nine-room school building at Akhurwal was completely destroyed by […]

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Mar 18 2008

Obama Fails, And Admits Indirectly To Not Being Honest

Obama’s speech is out at Drudge and reading it I find it lacking. Maybe in person it was not so bad, but most of us won’t be listening to it or seeing it. Most of will have to simply read it. The first problem is the history lesson on this great and imperfect nation. Obama […]

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Mar 18 2008

Civil War Erupting In Islam Between al-Qaeda And Muslims

One of the things Bush said would happen with success in Iraq would be a new perspective across the region and the broader Muslim community that al-Qaeda’s way might not be the way for Islam into the future. We have seen this prediction come true in Iraq and elsewhere as Muslims have been rising up […]

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Mar 18 2008

More On That Spun DIA Report On al-Qaeda And Iraq, And Media Lies

Published by under All General Discussions

I posted pretty exhaustively earlier on that DIA report that claimed there was no connection between Saddam and al-Qaeda, only to lay out 3-5 clear connections between Saddam and al-Qaeda running all the way to al-Qaeda’s number two. In that post I made mention of how the report got spun and leaked: The problem with […]

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Mar 18 2008

Clinton: “I Will Surrender Iraq To Bin Laden No Matter How Much Progress Is Made”

Boy, something is definitely in the water at the DNC because the Democrats keep finding more ways to self-destruct, and in ever more bizarre ways. Senator Hillary Clinton, who voted for the war in Iraq and many times to keep it funded, has now claimed no matter how good things get in Iraq, and no […]

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