Archive for October 4th, 2010

Oct 04 2010

Historic Gallup Generic Poll – GOP Blow Out

I missed the launch of the Gallup likely voter generic ballot numbers earlier today (playing Mr. Mom to the twins), but it was worth the wait (click to enlarge). I still cannot fathom the impact of these numbers on House, Senate and Governor races, but I guarantee you no pollster’s current turnout models have been […]

12 responses so far

Oct 04 2010

What Will Gallup Show Today?

Update: Jay Cost has some alarming numbers of his own today, showing how independents now favor the GOP 42-30%. That kind of one sided support, combined with an enthusiasm edge with the anti-democrat (anti-big-government) side of the equation is a good hint for what Gallup could show today. – end update I am waiting to […]

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